Democrats Will Never Win Another Election

Democrats Will Never Win Another Election
Democrats Will Never Win Another Election

Because Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema denied the passage of two separate voting rights bills, in addition to the rise of white Protestant extremism in the GOP carrying out a precise campaign of destroying our election process, Democrats will never win another election going forward. Besides making it more difficult to vote, the White Supremacists in this country are trying to wrestle control of the “Secretary of State” positions, which oversee our elections and ultimately decide the winner in each state. According to an NBC article, 19 U.S. States, four of which are swing States, are in danger of falling in the hands of Trumpists and Biden election deniers. If they succeed, consider the next election stolen whether the Democrats win it or not.

Asked what it means for election deniers to control the positions of Secretaries of State, Joanna Lydgate, the CEO of States United Action, said:

These are the positions that hold the keys to our democracy and the keys to our elections. We don’t put toddlers in charge of nap time, and we shouldn’t put election deniers in charge of elections.NBC by Adam Edelman - May 1, 2022
So, if you have a moment today, send a copy of the NBC article to both Manchin and Sinema. Add a little note saying they both contributed to killing the American democracy.


None of these Trumpists running for the Secretary of State position will hesitate one moment to forfeit the results of their elections in their respective states to hand Donald Trump an illegal win. If the Democrats do not pass a solid voting rights bill, we might as well kiss our democracy goodbye, which will include implementing martial law if the voters rebel against stolen elections.

Thanks to Donald Trump and the extreme White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in the GOP, no future U.S. President of color, other religion, or whose race or sexual orientation is un-Christian, will ever become a U.S. President. Or even Speaker of the House or Majority Leader. The extremist WASPs would steal the United States forever. It is during these moments that we should be grateful for politicians like Rep. Liz Cheney whose patriotism is unquestionable and whose love for America is absolute.

This is how serious our state of affairs has become. We are grasping for air to keep our democracy alive while a group of extreme Republicans, who believe this is their country, permanently install fascism as its replacement.

So, if you have a moment today, send a copy of the NBC article to both Manchin and Sinema. Add a little note saying they both contributed to killing the American democracy.

Folks, we are about to lose this country forever to a band of swindlers, scammers, and gangsters with no shame and no honor.


With so much happening domestically and internationally, we hope that President Biden appoints a Democracy Czar whose job would be to sound the alarm bells while providing the answers on how to stop these miscreant White Supremacists in their tracks. We cannot snooze our way out of this lurking danger, nor can we simply rely on motivation to bring voters out. The President must act, or the Democrats might never, ever win another election. Period.

Who better to become our Democracy Czar but the brave Liz Cheney? Or a retired GOP Senator who clearly understand the danger of Trumpism, which we might as well equate to Putinism.

Folks, we are about to lose this country forever to a band of swindlers, scammers, and gangsters with no shame and no honor. For these bastards, there is nothing wrong in cheating and stealing.

In-between visits to their churches to pray.

Democrats Will Never Win Another Election

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