DeSantis Adds Black GOP Representatives to His List of Enemies

DeSantis Adds Black GOP Representatives to His List of Enemies
DeSantis Adds Black GOP Representatives to His List of Enemies

In politics, there is a big difference between showing strength and alienating the very people you need to ascend the ladder of success. Having said that, Ron DeSantis seems to confuse the two. Recently, his campaign staffers fired back at two of the five black GOP conservative Representatives who dared question his new Florida education mantra, which justified the benefits of slavery by embracing the notion that enslavement was a job fair event. In effect, Ron DeSantis adds black GOP congressmen to his long list of enemies now encompassing tens of millions of Americans he desperately needs to become an electable entity.

His campaign style and his aggressive personality have turned his donors and even his supporters off. So much so that Jen Psaki asked him a direct question on her “Inside with Jen Psaki” when she said: “Are you OK, Governor?”

From her perspective, it looks like DeSantis does not really want to run for the White House. She truly expressed the sentiment of millions of voters totally confused about his strategy and his state of mind.

You don’t win a Miss America beauty contest by not wearing make-up.


Other Representatives warned us early on about his despicable personality. His donors refused to listen, and the genius Elon Musk had him announce his candidacy on Twitter.

To say that Ron DeSantis is not ready for prime time is an understatement. Many, however, refuse to grasp this reality, fearing that not believing in DeSantis is giving Donald Trump the boost he needs towards securing the nomination. That Trump is more popular than Ron DeSantis could ever be has yet to register among his donors and his supporters. However, this is changing rapidly as DeSantis continues to make mistakes. One of his gravest one is to believe that the rest of America, like the Millennials, and the X and Z generations, think like the octogenarians that elected him Governor.

As we already said it on many occasions before. Ron DeSantis is unfit to become the President when he has proven over and over again that his first instincts are too combative and bellicose to generate any public interest to elect him. You don’t win a Miss America beauty contest by not wearing make-up. DeSantis and his campaign staffers have yet to understand this simple concept.

Come next week, DeSantis may probably reboot again. Only this time, he will make sure to alienate someone else on his way to a White House he would never occupy. Why are we so sure? Because DeSantis’ national policies and positions remain far from what the majority of Americans seek in a candidate.

DeSantis Adds Black GOP Representatives to His List of Enemies

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