Drag Netanyahu to the ICC For His War Crimes

Drag Netanyahu to the ICC For His War Crimes
Drag Netanyahu to the ICC For His War Crimes

It just seems inconceivable that in the 21st century, while the whole so-called enlightened western world is watching a live genocide on their TV’s, smartphones, and tablets, that we let those who are committing the genocide off the hook so easily. Not one western nation is talking about prosecuting Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity. Not one. We say, drag Netanyahu to the ICC to stand trial for his war crimes and genocide against Gaza. If not, we might as well forget ever speaking about the rules-based world order, international laws, or human rights ever again.

Netanyahu deserves to die in jail, not in some cozy villa on the Mediterranean reminiscing about the good old days of killing Palestinian children.

There is no justice in the world if this man escapes accountability.

Netanyahu, as a justifiable scapegoat, would go a long way to regain our credibility. Throw him in jail to save the United States of America.


On foreign policy matters, the mistakes the United States is making are adding up to some gruesome history. Every time we disagree with a nation, we bomb it. Every time countries disobey our orders, we bomb them. How many have we bombed since 1945? This picture illustrates our dismal record.

Some, like Bosnia and Afghanistan, were to stop another Genocide and to respond to Bin Laden’s terror, but mostly it was to bomb countries we did not like. Under one pretext or another. Nonetheless, no other nation has bombed so many countries in so little time as the United States has. We cannot possibly be right all the times.

This is why BRICS+ movement is gaining steam to counter US arrogance and violence. Just yesterday, Pakistan asked to join, which is significant because India is a founding member. It shows that countries who are historically enemies may end up putting their differences aside to confront the economic monopoly and violence of the United States.

Everyone sees the train wreck to US economy and standing in the world, except our politicians at home. Especially those old-timers Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who still live in the last century when colonization of people and their resources was so apple pie. Today’s BRICS+ represent 3.7 billion people. Just imagine the impact on the US and the EU economies if they start boycotting our goods and services. Why do you think China steals our technologies?

If we do not imprison Netanyahu for crimes against humanity, BRICS+ is only going to gain even more steam. The world has had enough of the double standards of the United States and its supreme hypocrisy.

Netanyahu, as a justifiable scapegoat, would go a long way to regain our credibility. Throw him in jail to save the United States of America.

Drag Netanyahu to the ICC For His War Crimes

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