We Told You That Joe Biden Would Screw His Legacy

We Told You That Joe Biden Would Screw His Legacy
We Told You That Joe Biden Would Screw His Legacy

If you recall a few blogs ago, we told you that Joe Biden would screw his legacy up because of his lack of good judgment and sagacity. His Gaza policy has really unraveled him in ways that provides fodder to his enemies and immense unease to his backers and supporters. Imagine a policy where he facilitated a genocide and when he realized his mistake made another error in judgment by not using the leverage of his presidency to correct the first mistake.

Instead of calling Benjamin Netanyahu to order him to let aid into Gaza, or else, he just took it upon himself to look weak and helpless by dropping aid to Gaza himself.

Meanwhile, the Zionists in Israel are laughing their hearts out at their luck of having Biden to deal with.

You could not be a bigger moron if Hollywood wrote that script.

Biden is harming America enough for former Ambassador Robert Ford to express his opinion on Twitter:

We are not the only ones who have become enraged with Biden. Other Democrats have too.

Biden dropped expired food into Gaza, while Netanyahu continued his genocide undisturbed.


When you commit genocide so openly, and starve children to death without any countries able to stop you, you are the de facto most powerful nation on the planet. Joe Biden made sure Israel gets the credit for surpassing American power.

Just imagine the tools at our disposal to force Israel to delver aid to Gaza, which we have shelved thanks to Biden. Let us count them.

  1. We could stop sending weapons to Israel.
  2. We could stop funding the Gaza War.
  3. Moreover, we could use our veto at the United Nations to enforce a ceasefire.
  4. We could also call publicly for a ceasefire to put pressure on the Nazi Benjamin Netanyahu.
  5. We could demand that Netanyahu resign for violating every international law in the book.
  6. Further, we could ask the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza.
  7. We could move our armada of war ships close to the Israeli coast while demanding a ceasefire, or for aid to go into Gaza.

Instead, Biden dropped expired food into Gaza, while Netanyahu continued his genocide undisturbed. Talk about an incomprehensible Gaza policy that the idiotic Biden engineered.

Some in the media, like Fareed Zakaria, have begun to criticize Biden openly for his policy on Gaza.


We do not know of any U.S. President who, after making a mistake, tried to correct it by making even a bigger mistake. No President in modern history could be as moronic.

We told you that Joe Biden would eventually screw his own legacy, and he did.

After this food drop fiasco, instead of using the powers at his disposal, we do expect Biden would drop even more in the polls. There are independent voters out there who will not tolerate watching a weak president drag America down.

It’s not that they care about Gaza, but they do care about American righteousness and place in the pecking order of the world. When Biden made Israel look like the most powerful nation on earth because no country or person seems to be able to stop it, those independents drew a red line in the sand.

Some in the media, like Fareed Zakaria, have begun to criticize Biden openly for his policy on Gaza. Whether this snowball would turn into an avalanche, it is hard to say.

What is sure though is that the Democratic Party is in deep trouble, and who cornered the Party but Benjamin Netanyahu, who wants to see Donald Trump come to power.

Maybe it is easy to fool Biden once or twice, but with Trump in power, it is easy to buy him every time the Zionists wanted to buy a President.

Remember Sheldon Adelson?

We Told You That Joe Biden Would Screw His Legacy

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