He Thinks He Can Govern Another Five Years?

He Thinks He Can Govern Another Five Years?
He Thinks He Can Govern Another Five Years?

The second-worst part about the Biden-Trump debate is Biden resurfacing with an extra step in his slurred speech impediment, and trying so hard to convince the world that he is just a bit demented. But, the worst part is that he thinks he can govern another five years if we elect him in 2024, and he is making sure the voters don’t even consider the risk of this possibility. How could any sane voter not consider asking themselves that question?

If America re-elects Biden, he will be bedridden within one year, and given his thirst for power, he might never resign. Even on his deathbed. America, don’t be fooled, even when the other options are as bad.

For sure, Biden would only leave the White House in a coffin. And even then, he would fight his own expiration using the same hacks propping him today.

Because we have Biden and Trump on the ballots, the two-party system of government is catching up with this country, and its slow demise. The options have never been worse because Zionists only fund slaves to their ideology of death.

Another question we all must ask ourselves is: Who will govern this country when he becomes totally incapacitated and keeps it hidden from the public? In fact, who is governing today when he can hardly walk or speak?

And what about his doctors that we pay their salaries? Do they not have the responsibility to inform the voters of his true condition? Annul those doctors’ license to practice.

If we truly love this country, we head out to any of the other candidates running and help them get on the ballots. Our favorite is Jill Stein because Zionists do not own her.


Set aside Biden’s genocide in Gaza, the fact that he refuses to bow out even after such a pathetic display of mental decline says a lot about Joe Biden, the person. It tells us how evil he is to put his own self ahead of the country. Any other honorable man would have yielded to a younger candidate immediately after the debate, and would have worked hard to save us all from Donald Trump.

If Biden continues on this road and loses to Trump, he would have set his own legacy in the pain of every American who may have to endure a fascist takeover of this country. We are no longer a democratic nation because billionaires buy our elections, but we will certainly turn into a right-wing fascist one.

Should Biden not bow out, and he loses the elections, nobody would blame Trump for winning, but Americans would blame Biden for helping Trump win. That would be Biden’s second worse legacy. The first one being Genocide Joe.

If Biden thinks he can govern another five years when he can hardly speak today, it is on us, as well. It is our ignorance and apathy that are leading politicians like Biden to compromise the nation.

Furthermore, if we truly love this country, we head out to any of the other candidates running and help them get on the ballots. Our favorite is Jill Stein because Zionists do not own her.

He Thinks He Can Govern Another Five Years?

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