High Magazine Assault Rifles and Gun Background Checks

High Magazine Assault Rifles and Gun Background Checks

There is this notion, among the less fortunate with regard to flowing gray matter, that the citizens of this country can somehow stop a U.S. Government if it went haywire on them. This relic of thinking dating back to 1776 and enshrined into the Second Amendment holds true when rifles meeting rifles in an open field of government troops and rebels as when it happened during the civil war. But what can miserable hillbillies with their high magazine assault rifles do against tanks, drones, cruise missiles, and fighter jets? It’s not even a fight if one day those screwballs believe they could take on the U.S. Government again as if it was 1862.

Who is keeping this logic alive? That the citizens can beat back the U.S. Government with assault rifles, you ask? The gun manufacturers in this country who will not stop until every household has more guns than children, dogs, cats, and cars combined. If you are a family of four with two pets and two cars, you need at least eight guns to own, buddy. It’s the American Dream.

It’s the kind of capitalism that shoots the whole country in the gut just as a deranged gunman killed 10 innocent Colorado residents in Boulder last week. Especially that we do not ask any questions when they buy guns to kill as many as they possibly can.

The more mass killings, the richer the gun manufacturers become and the more they can buy politicians to keep the status quo.


When asked, a new poll by Ipsos showed that the majority of Americans favor more gun control. Ipsos describe it this way:

Two in three Americans think gun laws should be more strict than they are today, according to a new USA Today/Ipsos poll, conducted in the days immediately following a mass shooting in Boulder, CO.Ipsos - March 24, 2021

But because Congress works for the gun manufacturers, it is unlikely we will ever see the will of the majority of the people prevail here. This is why the American political establishment has become a lifeless stinking cadaver. There is no connect between what the people want and what our politicians do. In other countries, they call this authoritarianism, but in America, we call it a democracy. Hallelujah!!!

In fact, gun manufacturers relish in mass killings. It’s their Bonanza Easter egg. The Democrats cry foul and seek new rules, and the people rush the gun stores to buy more guns. More billions to the Waltons too. The more mass killings, the richer the gun manufacturers become and the more they can buy politicians to keep the status quo. What a doozy it is to live in America. The land of the free to kill and the innocent to die.

The point of all this is that America, as a country, exists only for the benefits of the very few and not the people who believed the fairy tale of the democracy they have no control over.


America is a great nation that has been hijacked by extremists. Religious extremists, fascist extremists, and capitalist extremists. Ask yourself a simple question: Are you better off today than 10 years ago? Is the country heading in the right direction? Be it politically or economically? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you are the touted top 1% robbing this country blind. The rest are suffering while Mitch “Marie Antoinette” McConnell asks the rest of the country to eat cake.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that 75% of Americans support Joe Biden’s COVID Relief Plan? Which includes millions of Republicans. When zero Republicans in the Senate supported it? Is that an indicator how disconnected the white old men in the Senate have become from the rest of the country?

The same that most Americans want some control over the sale of high magazine assault rifles that Republicans, who only answer to gun lobby, don’t seem to understand. One would imagine these dirty politicians would fear the repercussions of their lone wolves policies, but not really.. Mainly because the public’s memory is often as good as the memory of a goldfish, and because they know with the money they raise from their corporate sponsors in the many industries they are willing to whore for would eventually step up with truckloads of cash to re-tool and re-imagine their public images.

The point of all this is that America, as a country, exists only for the benefits of the very few and not the people who believed the fairy tale of the democracy they have no control over.

High Magazine Assault Rifles and Gun Background Checks

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