HR1 Addresses Centuries of Political Cheating

HR1 Addresses Centuries of Political Cheating

The GOP is very concerned about the HR1 For the People Act of 2021 that recently passed the House. They are mounting a vigorous campaign to kill the Bill in the court of the public opinion because once the American people find out what’s in HR1, they will overwhelmingly support it. In fact, HR1 addresses centuries of political cheating by white Evangelicals in this country who, incidentally, landed on some else’s lands and claimed it their own. And that’s just the beginning.

Although I recommend you read fully the Annotated Guide to HR1 the Brennan Center published, here is a brief synopsis of HR1 that journalists

H.R. 1, known as the For the People Act, seeks to abolish hurdles to voting, reform the role of money in politics and tighten federal ethics rules. Among the key tenets of the bill to overhaul the nation’s election system: allowing for no-excuse mail voting, at least 15 days of early voting, automatic voter registration and restoring voting rights to felons who have completed their prison sentences.ABC News - Kendall Karson and Meg Cunningham 03/20/2021

The Bill blocks all the shenanigans the GOP plays every two years to suppress the black and brown voters. Undoubtedly, the GOP wants the ability to cheat the system at their leisure and discretion. As if they owned the country lock, stock, and souls.

Who said slavery is over? What do you think paying someone the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour really is? It’s a modern form of slavery.

So, they turn to tricks, deceptions, and cheating to keep themselves in power and to keep the rest enslaved by their economic system.


There is this unwritten rule among the White Nationalists and White Evangelicals who fully controlled this nation, until President Biden won in 2020, that the rest of us are just visitors. We vote, we start businesses, we raise families, but we all are here temporarily. This is not our country to govern, nor will they ever permit it to happen. So, they turn to tricks, deceptions, and cheating to keep themselves in power and to keep the rest enslaved by their economic system.

But the country’s demographics are changing. There is only so much cheating they can do, and for so long before the numbers crush their dreams. Instead of finding common inclusive grounds, they cannot help themselves, because of their racism and bigotry, but to fight and hate the black and the brown people of this country.

The Democrats, on the other hand, have found a way, even though the party is still controlled by white men, to be more inclusive. Everyone is welcomed in their Party to build a better nation. Not so with the GOP that we saw rise during the Trump era. When Trump began attacking political correctness in 2015, you can almost see the racism train pick up steam. His rhetoric unleashed all the ugly racism we are witnessing today against Asian-Americans, and no one is more satisfied to watch the hate unfold than Donald Trump.

Today, the GOP does not even pretend to hide their White Supremacist racist roots. It’s all out in the open, and they will not apologize to anyone for their shortsightedness. Instead, they double down on cheating during elections. This is why the HR1 is ruffling their feathers. If passed, the Bill will go a long way to limiting the white man cheating the black and the brown people in this country.

Suggestion: “Imagine if you are the only one to decide who the next President will be. That’s the power of HR1.”


If the Democratic Party does not mount a very important campaign to inform the public about the benefits of HR1, the GOP might kill that goose before she lays her eggs. It is imperative to involve whatever assets are available, private or not, to educate the public. Just like it was easy to get support for the $1,400 COVID payment, the public will support HR1 if we can define it in terms of a “$1,400” benefit. In other words, easy to understand concept requiring less than 5 seconds attention span.

Not impossible really. Run a competition on Twitter for the public to come up with a catch line that explains it all. Oh, and by the way, failure to do so may doom the Bill.

Suggestion: “Imagine if you are the only one to decide who the next President will be. That’s the power of HR1.”

Bipartisan. Innocuously neutral. Chest thumping for the little guy.

HR1 Addresses Centuries of Political Cheating

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