How To Keep The Gaza Memories Alive

How To Keep The Gaza Memories Alive
How To Keep The Gaza Memories Alive

There are two forces at play in the war on Gaza. Israel, and its pro-American media outlets like CNN, want the American voters to forget about Israel’s terror against civilians in Gaza as soon as possible. Mostly because they want Joe Biden to win against Donald Trump in 2024. Some Arab and Muslim countries, to exclude the oil-dependent gulf nations, would like to keep the Gaza war on the minds of everyone, to include, most importantly, the American voters. For Arabs and Muslims to succeed in how to keep the Gaza memories alive in the minds of voters, they should borrow a few pages from the Holocaust playbook.

Today, if you read CNN online, the news organization hardly mentions Gaza at all, even though Israel is expanding its war against Lebanon, the West Bank, and possibly Egypt as Benjamin Netanyahu threatens to control the Rafah Gaza border crossing. Yet, CNN and other news U.S. media organizations are totally ignoring the terror of Israel and the expansion of the war.

Tens of millions of Muslims around the world would donate for such a Gaza Museum project.


Recruit An Army Of Media Volunteers: One easy step to undertake is to recruit a young army of savvy social media influencers, journalists and opinion writers, email and SMS propagators, and even doorbell ringers to keep reminding the world what happened on October 7, 2023. An important step to keep the Gaza memories alive. AIPAC has an army of volunteers whose job, on January 27 every year, is to remind the world about the Holocaust.

Build a Gaza Genocide Museum: Do not expect U.S. Congress to provide the land for such a project in Washington. However, Michigan might welcome such a museum to showcase the terror of Israel. Tens of millions of Muslims around the world would donate for such a project. All it takes is an energetic and dedicated team with some influential people on its board to kick-start it.

Arabs and Muslims must come together globally to stop Israel’s violence and the occupation of more Arab lands


Invest in Documentaries and Movies: While Arab Americans have no control over Hollywood because it is run by hardcore Zionists like Steven Spielberg, there are many countries with sizeable resources that Palestinian producers and directors could tap into to start any movie project. Canada would welcome both investing in and providing the marketing for any movies about human rights. Not just documentaries, but real stories about real human beings.

Engage With Global Media Outlets: Almost every year, some U.S. TV media, airs something about the Holocaust. They never miss. Palestinians and pro-Palestinian news organizations should develop such relations globally. Most abhor what Israel is doing, stealing Palestinian lands and killing them. They would welcome such influence to tell the Palestinian story every year. It is not enough for just the Arabs to back the Palestinians, it should become a global effort.

Much of the above has been done already, but the war on Gaza provides a golden opportunity to expand and grow the Palestinian PR footprint.

Arabs and Muslims must come together globally to stop Israel’s violence and the occupation of more Arab lands. Through peaceful means using whatever resources at their disposal.

How To Keep The Gaza Memories Alive

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