If Putin Invaded Germany, Biden Would Still Do Little

If Putin Invaded Germany, Biden Would Still Do Little
If Putin Invaded Germany, Biden Would Still Do Little

The horror show the world is watching in Ukraine is 100% the fault of President Joe Biden. Why? Because his foreign policy rests on fear, appeasement, and retreat. The President belongs to a class of politicians who spin their way out of any, direct or indirect, military confrontation no matter the costs to human life or the future of democratic Europe. In fact, if Putin invaded Germany tomorrow, Joe Biden would still do little to confront him other than to apply sanctions Putin has spent the last eight years preparing his country and his economy to defend against them. The honest truth is that we elected a commander-in-chief who is not in the mood of commanding no matter the costs.

Americans don’t like their presidents to be first-class wimps. Biden and his circle of advisers can break down his polling data all year long looking for some sunshine, but if he does not grow a spine and start defending democracies across the world using the might of the United States, he will lose badly in 2024.

I am not talking boots on the ground, but I am talking tough talk backed by some action, like sending potent weapons directly to defend the Ukraine, to demonstrate the will to act.

If a U.S. President cannot inflict pain on our enemies and command respect from our allies is not worthy of our votes.


Even little Poland is sending Biden a message to have more spine when it said it would dispatch its MiG-29’s to a U.S. base in Germany for the US to deliver them to Ukraine. Of course, the Biden Administration called it “Not tenable” because Biden, once again, feared Putin might construe it as an act of war. “Feared” is the keyword here.

By trying to force the US to help Ukraine directly, Poland’s message was “Shame on you Joe Biden for not doing enough to save Ukraine.”

I believe Poland knows Joe Biden would not save its skin either if Putin decided to break through NATO countries. This was Poland’s test run to identify whether the Biden Administration is committed to defending NATO in case of a Russian invasion. Poland knows now that Biden is too much of a wimp to act regardless what countries Putin invades. Our President failed the Polish Test miserably.

As of now, it appears that it matters little what happens to Ukraine, or any other country in Europe. Beyond sanctions, which might take years to have a real, lasting impact, Joe Biden will not act to stop Vladimir Putin. It’s not in his appeaser blood.

Did the U.S. not promise to defend Ukraine if it gave up its nuclear arsenal after the break-up of the Soviet Union? Thanks to Biden and Obama, no country would ever trust the U.S. again.


In an article by NBC, this sentence caught my eye:

The U.S. has said it would support Poland’s or another NATO member’s sending jets to Ukraine but has given no indication it would act as an intermediary.NBC News by Rachel Elbaum, Yuliya Talmazan, Corky Siemaszko and Courtney Kube - March 8, 2022

This is another way for Joe Biden to tell our allies that “We support you defending yourself, but count us out”. The problem with this message is that our NATO allies now have doubts about Article V of the NATO Alliance and U.S. real commitment to defend them.

Did the U.S. not promise to defend Ukraine if it gave up its nuclear arsenal after the break-up of the Soviet Union? Thanks to Biden and Obama, no country would ever trust the U.S. again.

Today, it looks like if Putin invaded Germany, our President would consult with Timbuktu to come to a consensus on what they might do to help.


Even Saudi Arabia is mocking our President by refusing to take his calls. Unfortunately, weakness begets lack of respect.

Since he wasted five months negotiating with Senator Joe Manchin, President Biden has demonstrated amply that he is not up to the job of leading this nation. Today, our enemies are challenging his leadership, and even our supposed friends are turning their backs on the U.S.

If a U.S. President cannot inflict pain on our enemies and command respect from our allies, then he is not worthy of our votes. Under Joe Biden, American superpower just turned into an American Mickey Mouse power.

A weak President makes every American feel small, and this undesirable smallness forced upon us would be the one casting the votes come 2022 and 2024.

Today, it looks like if Putin invaded Germany, our President would consult with Timbuktu to come to a consensus on what they might do to help.

That’s what I am observing behind these thin Washington walls. And I hate it.

If Putin Invaded Germany, Biden Would Still Do Little

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