Joe Biden is a Terrorist President

Joe Biden is a Terrorist President
Joe Biden is a Terrorist President

Joe Biden is a terrorist President who is leading us, as fast as he could, to an abyss where nuclear powers may trade ballistic missiles across many continents. The attack Israel is planning on Iran will create the perfect storm and opportunity for Russia to come to Iranian aid as payback for NATO’s arming of Ukraine. Such payback may quickly escalate into a nuclear war because our idiot of a President whose legacy rests on the mass murder of women and children had no plans when he opened the spigot of weapons to Israel. One that is led by messianic Israelis whose only goal is to ethnically cleanse Arabs and Muslims.

Just imagine the scenarios ahead once Israel attacks Iran to destroy either its military or economy.

Scenario one: Russia moves its nuclear weapons to Iran to defend its ally against another retaliation for the retaliation, which may start a nuclear war. Thanks to the idiot Joe Biden.

Scenario two: Iran starts building its own nuclear arsenal, with help from either Russia or Pakistan, to use one day against the United States and Israel. Thanks to the idiot Joe Biden, who is unleashing the monster of Israel upon the region.

Scenario three: Israel destroys the oil industry of Iran and in return Iran destroys the oil industry of the Gulf, which it already threatens it would do. That means deep recession in the West, followed by a decline of its economic output for years to come. Where will Europe get its oil this winter once it runs out of its reserves? Russia?

Any of these three scenarios serve Israel’s real goals under the present leadership, but not the United States, or Europe. The absence of any good judgment by Joe Biden in this equation should concern us all.

No one wants to tell Joe Biden, the terrorist President, “we told you so” because that means it is really too late for the United States.


The United States, under Joe Biden, is no longer in control of what might happen in the near future thanks to its ironclad commitment to a genocidal maniac like Benjamin Netanyahu. Without a doubt, Netanyahu is itching to use his nuclear bombs on Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. Joe Biden is providing him with all the tools to activate his dream of annihilating all Arabs in the region that do not bow to Israeli terror.

But if you ask Joe Biden, or any of his Zionist advisors about this issue, they will play the idiots in front of the cameras. Just as Matt Miller played the idiot when Liam Cosgrove of The Grayzone confronted him on the issue of Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine during a State Department briefing. Watch for yourself.

The United States looks rudderless. People in Washington have no vision, and no plans beyond committing war crimes and ethnically cleansing Palestinians, and from the outside, it looks though as Biden has lost control of the bus heading towards a ravine.

No one wants to tell Joe Biden, the terrorist President, “we told you so” because that means it is really too late for the United States. No American wishes upon their country the harm we are all watching come our way in slow motion. But that is exactly what is happening when we provide Israel the impunity and the cover to do as it pleases.

Mainly, to mass murder civilians with the total approval of an idiot of a President whom we believe is also a terrorist.

Joe Biden is a Terrorist President

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