Kyrsten Sinema is a Closet Racist and a Liberal Bigot

Kyrsten Sinema is a Closet Racist and a Liberal Bigot

When Senator Chuck Schumer figured out a clever way to bring the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to debate on the Senate floor, it caught Senator Sinema by surprise. Suddenly, she had to explain two paradoxical positions simultaneously: Her public support for voting rights and her equally public support for maintaining the filibuster. She went for the latter, thus dismantling the last vestige of voting rights laws enacted by President Johnson in 1965. Senator Kyrsten Sinema is a closet racist and a liberal bigot. How else to call someone who cannot square the peg before them with the circle of their policy positions?

This makes Sinema a far more dangerous Senator than meets the eye. She is a liberal bigot who suddenly found herself in a political trap trying to explain her bigotry. And she failed miserably.

Her filibuster excuse is not only invalid but is a lie as well. During a vote to raise the debt ceiling in mid-December, 2021, Sinema voted to kill the filibuster for all 50 Democrats in the Senate to pass the legislation.

When it suits the business community she needs their money for her re-election campaign, Sinema is more than willing to kill the filibuster. But for voting rights? Hell, no.

In my book, this makes Senator Kyrsten Sinema a closet racist and a liberal bigot of the first order.

Working against her constituents, Sinema will have a hard time explaining herself when she runs again in  2024. She does not know it yet. It’s her first-term.


On MLK day, it is only appropriate to quote Martin Luther King for the warnings he expressed through his writings about white liberals who speak with a forked tongue. Just like the snake Kyrsten Sinema.

He wrote:

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice […] Martin Luther King - Letter from the Birmingham jail

Sinema’s re-election chances are getting slimmer by the day. Unlike other Senators who turn their back on their constituents in return for campaign funds by corporate America, Sinema did not expect the vocal opposition she encountered when the Progressive Democrats in her party decided to call her for her selfish behavior.

It was the Progressive Caucus in the House that washed her dirty laundry in public and brought her treachery to the liberal causes front and center for her constituents to witness.

Working against her constituents, Sinema will have a hard time explaining herself when she runs again in  2024. She does not know it yet. It’s her first-term.

Good riddance, I say. We don’t need closet racists anymore than we need a fascist Fuhrer.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema is a Closet Racist

  1. Great points made but check the spelling on this article. Martin is spelled wrong twice. I love what you had to say and don’t want something like a few misspelled words to detract from the impact of your words.

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