Name One Goal Israel Achieved in Gaza

Name One Goal Israel Achieved in Gaza
Rafah massacre of May 26, 2024. Name One Goal Israel Achieved in Gaza

Almost 8 months into the genocide in Gaza, and Israel has accomplished none of its objectives. Other than making Gaza uninhabitable for the purpose of ethnically cleansing it, which was the primary goal of both Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu, name one goal Israel achieved in its war on civilians. You can’t because Israel has already lost the Gaza War.

From the start, it now has become obvious what both Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to do in their war on Gaza. Bomb it with thousands of two tons bombs to render it unlivable in the hope Egypt, out of compassion, would allow the Palestinian refugees to take shelter in their country.

Followed by Israel annexing the strip with the few who remain.

This is why Israel kept bombing Gaza to drive the Palestinians south towards the Rafah crossing with Egypt. That plan backfired big time because Egypt refused to become a sanctuary for Israeli terror.


There are many reasons to believe that Israel has lost the war in Gaza. Here are the most important:

  • Hamas still holds the hostages, and it is refusing to free them until Israel stops its war. There is a video circulating on social media showing that Hamas is taking new IDF hostages who fell in their traps in Gaza.
  • While the death toll in Gaza is exceptionally high, let us not forget that Hamas has also killed hundreds of Israeli soldiers, and wounded thousands. It will take some time before Israelis warp their heads around that fact.
  • Hezbollah is launching daily strikes against north Israel, which also has driven tens of thousands of Israelis away from the border with Lebanon. Hezbollah is making northern Israel uninhabitable. 
  • The military leadership of Hamas remains potent and active. Witness Hamas re-appearing in northern Gaza after Israel believed it has decimated all resistance. Israel’s goal of annihilating Hamas is just a mirage living in the heads of Biden, Netanyahu, and Gallant.
  • The leadership of Hamas in Ismael Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar, Muhammad Deif and Abu Obdaidah are all still alive. Just another sign that after 8 months of war, and all the technology Israel possesses, it cannot even catch one Hamas leader.
  • Infighting among the Israeli war cabinet is spilling out in the open. Israel is a divided country, ready to implode.


Matters are much worse on the international stage for Israel than ever before in its existence.

  • Iran demonstrated it is capable and willing to attack Israel over a thousand miles away. This daring capability has not gone unnoticed by the United States, and certainly not the Israelis. They know that next time, Iran can cause much damage to Israel’s military capabilities.
  • The ICC is recommending for the court to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant for crimes against humanity. This will only cement Israel as a pariah state that needs deradicalization and cleansing from all the extremist Zionists in total control of the asylum today.
  • The ICJ ordered Israel to stop attacking Rafah, which Israel is ignoring by committing even more atrocities. In other words, Israel is even losing its allies just about now.

All the above are signs that Israel has already lost the war in Gaza. Damned if it continues, and damned if it stops. The ultimate nightmare for Israel.

Name One Goal Israel Achieved in Gaza

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