Netanyahu Continues to Starve the Palestinians

Netanyahu Continues to Starve the Palestinians
Netanyahu Continues to Starve the Palestinians

Even after the United States built a pier to facilitate the delivery of much-needed aid to Gaza. It is finding it impossible for aid to reach the masses. Why? Because Israel is bombing all of Gaza today. North, central, and South. There is no place to hide, and there are no safe routes to deliver food as Netanyahu continues to starve the Palestinians. Yet, Joe Biden seems more interested in saving the mass murderer from ICC prosecution than save the starving women and children of Gaza.

As Netanyahu goes on the offensive in his war on the ICC, he continues to kill and starve innocent civilians. It goes to show you how little consideration he has for the rule of law. His barbarity is the reason he must face justice.

Imagine you are on the witness stand in a court of law trying to defend yourself from a crime you have been accused of committing. While in court, you commit another crime right in front of the judge, the jury, and the prosecution while claiming innocence. This is exactly what is happening today with Netanyahu. He is claiming he broke no laws, as he continues to commit genocide.

Why? Because Joe Biden is backing the genocide. Killing Arabs and Muslims is such a great American pastime, it beats watching baseball and football combined.

Guess how many Arab and Muslim countries the United States bombed since World War II. Just take the time to google it. Muslims represents what sales to a flourishing company represent. The more Muslims America and Israel kill in the Middle East, the more profits they can both book.

Netanyahu, once again, cites a phrase from the Bible whose purpose is the act of committing genocide.


Right after he appeared on Israel TV to deliver a speech in the hope he can amass some international support for his exoneration, Netanyahu, once again, cites a phrase from the Bible whose purpose is the act of committing genocide. That was only delivered in the Hebrew language, and not in English.

Jonathan Ofir of Mondweiss called him for it in an article that cited the phrase. Ofir wrote:

“The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to one of your neighbors — to one better than you. He who is the Eternal One of Israel shall not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind.”

(Author’s emphasis)

This was the sentence [Eternal One of Israel] Netanyahu used at the end of his Hebrew address reacting to the ICC application. In other words, he is sending a message that he will not make the same mistake as King Saul by not completely eradicating Amalek. He will go all the way in Gaza. He will continue into Rafah. Furthermore, he will “wipe off the seed of Amalek,” as Israeli soldiers were recorded chanting back in December.Mondoweiss by Jonathan Ofir - May 21, 2024

This invocation happened two days after the ICC called to issue arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. In addition to the three top Hamas operatives who planned the October 7 attack.

There is absolutely no difference between Benjamin Netanyahu and Osama bin Laden. Both are genocidal maniacs.


Benjamin Netanyahu is not about to stop killing tens of thousands of more Palestinian civilians. As well as starving millions. Regardless of the impact it has on the Israeli society. His religious ultra-extremism is so medieval, he and his ilk do not realize what awaits Israel in the future.

We believed that when 158 countries in the United Nations voted for a ceasefire, it would send a signal that the Zionist ideology is on the edge of a cliff and falling away. But we were wrong. Netanyahu’s fanaticism reminds us of the fanaticism of al-Qaeda and ISIS.

There is absolutely no difference between Benjamin Netanyahu and Osama bin Laden. Both are genocidal maniacs.

Netanyahu Continues to Starve the Palestinians

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