No One Is Happier Than Netanyahu

No One Is Happier Than Netanyahu
No One Is Happier Than Netanyahu

Iran, in retaliation for Israel violating its sovereignty by killing Ismael Hanieyh, and its Hezbollah protégé Hassan Nasrallah, fired 181 missiles at Israel, many of which reached their military targets. Especially the Nevatim Air Force base in the Negev desert, home to Israel’s F-35 fighter jets, tankers, and stealth fighter jets. Israel promised to retaliate violently, which Iran warned against. Now that the war criminal prime minister of Israel sparked a regional war by attacking sovereign countries illegally, no one is happier than Netanyahu himself to see his war expand, and US soldiers possibly die for Israel.

The attack on the Nevatim air base was particularly brutal. On the video below, no less than 20 to 30 big missiles land across the 3-runway air base, which many military analysts believe has rendered it inoperable. Compare this precision, which only targeted military installations, to Israel killing over 1,000 Lebanese people, many of whom are innocent civilians, to kill one man.

There is no way that people do not fully understand the terror of Israel. Netanyahu’s terror speaks volumes about his intent, which to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and to settle more lands, to include stealing the waters of the Litani river in Lebanon. This as opposed to the actions of Iran, which is not targeting civilians. The world community is not asinine. It sees Israel the way the Palestinians see it.

Watch for yourself what Israel does not want you to see or admit.

There is also a high chance that Israel may house its fighter jets on U.S. bases in the region, and start attacking Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen using these bases.


If and when Israel attacks Iran for defending its interests and sovereignty, you can rest assured that Iran is going to retaliate in a much harsher way. Chances are high that Iran may attack the Cypriot bases that Israel will use to park their jet fighters to avoid destruction. In other words, thanks to Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu, we welcome you to World War III.

There is also a high chance that Israel may house its fighter jets on U.S. bases in the region, and start attacking Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen using these bases. If Biden is idiotic enough to allow the Israeli air force such unfettered access, it would put the lives of our troops in harm’s ways. For sure, Iran would not hesitate, if Israel unleashes its terror, to bomb U.S. bases in the Middle East. It becomes an issue of survival for all parties concerned, and all red lines would simply evaporate in thin air.

That checked-out, idiot we have in the White House is about to start World War III, and his brain is too dead to realize it.


So, we all must ask how we got here today. To this regional war that began the day Israel attacked Iran to kill Hamas leader Ismael Hanieyh. It was not the Palestinians of Gaza who attacked Israel on October 7 and kidnapped Israeli hostages to exchange for the 3,000 Palestinian hostages Israel held at the time — They have since increased to almost 11,000.

It was not Hezbollah, which, as part of the resistance movement, came to the rescue of the Palestinians in Gaza that Netanyahu was slaughtering and starving, just like NATO would come to the rescue of any member country under attack. And certainly, it was not Iran whose sovereignty was violated by Israel.

The culprit, or culprits, are both the idiot President we have in this country, and the extremely violent war criminal Benjamin Neatnayhu. One whose feebleness could not stop the Adolph Hitler look alike dropping bombs on four different Arab countries simultaneously.

Who but the two madmen, in Biden and Netanyahu, got us to this point in our history?

Today, no one is happier than Netanyahu because he finally cornered Biden to fight his wars against Iran. That checked-out, idiot we have in the White House is about to start World War III, and his brain is too dead to realize it.

No One Is Happier Than Netanyahu

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