Of Israeli Mistakes and Investigations

Of Israeli Mistakes and Investigations
The Rafah Holocaust Was Not a Mistake. Of Israeli Mistakes and Investigations

The usual just happened after Israel bombed a makeshift camp in Rafah where 45 innocent women and children, once again, were massacred in cold blood. The butcher Benjamin Netanyahu called it a “tragic mistake”. Just like he did when Israel deliberately massacred the World Central Kitchen aid workers less than eight weeks ago. It’s always the same story with the terror of Israel. It deliberately kills, and when the world cries foul, it calls it a mistake followed by opening an investigation. Of Israeli mistakes and investigations, the world can no longer tolerate the terrorist nature of Zionism, especially two days after the ICJ orders Israel to halt the Rafah operations.

Have you ever heard the results of any investigations Israel opened for the acts of terror its government keeps committing? There must be thousands of them by now if we add all the terrorist acts Israel keeps exacting on the whole Palestinian population. To include the West Bank, as well.

The world does not want to admit the obvious here, but we must stay the quiet part out loud here. The Israeli violent society is an immediate danger to humanity because of the extremist and brutish settlers who now control all levers of the government. Including Benjamin Netanyahu, who needs them to stay in power.

The U.S. and Europe should have long ago sanctioned all the illegal settlements in the West Bank and their violent settlers. They have been violating international law ever since 1967. This is America’s doing. We are to blame for failing to force Israel to abide by the laws we expect everyone else to abide by.

Today, Israel has become an unmanageable society of psychotic extremists killing and destroying everything in sight.

Israel has become a clear and present danger to all humanity.


Nothing Benjamin Netanyahu does is accidental or coincidental. The man calculates down to the last bomb in his arsenal. So, when he tells you it was a “tragic mistake”, this is like Adolf Hitler telling you he is a German Jew.

Netanyahu does not make mistakes. Deliberate actions, yes, but never a mistake.

The massacre of May 26, 2024, on Rafah was Netanyahu’s response to the ICJ order to halt all his operations on the last piece of land he has not assaulted yet. The massacre was his way of sending a signal to the International Court of Justice, the highest court in the world, that Israel is above the law.

And he almost got away with it had Europe not also see the massacre as a response to the ICJ orders.

What kind of human animals, who when the world is asking them to stop their violence, respond with even worse violence? Folks, Israel has become a clear and present danger to all humanity. Its existence cannot continue shaping our world with its violence and extreme terror.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is quite silent as Israel burned and beheaded babies in Rafah. Not a word from that old racist man, whose natural death could not come soon enough.

We hope it comes before November 5 as punishment for his genocide against the civilians of Gaza.

Of Israeli Mistakes and Investigations

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