Only a Bullet Would Stop Netanyahu

Only a Bullet Would Stop Netanyahu
Only a Bullet Would Stop Netanyahu

In response to the ICC seeking an arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas operatives, Netanyahu’s response that would hold him accountable for his crimes was, “We will not bow our heads, and we will not be deterred”. In the final analysis, only a bullet would stop Netanyahu for his crimes against humanity, just as a bullet would have stopped Adolf Hitle during WWII. Netanyahu is not going to stop his war on the civilians of Gaza unless the world stops him physically, and not with any threats.

Netanyahu has totally lost his mind. If the U.S. and Europe do not act to mitigate his danger, we may yet find ourselves fighting a much more dangerous regional war that would fully drag Iran into it. That’s Netanyahu’s goal, which would extend his political life at the expense of the interests of the United States, and not just Israel.


Once again, Joe Biden comes to the rescue of a mass murderer. He called the ICC move “outrageous”. As if the lives of some 17,000 Palestinian children Israel murdered in seven months are meaningless.

What else can one expect from an old man out of touch with reality and whose racism is becoming quite obvious to the masses.

Joe Biden is a genocide facilitator. The weapons he sent Israel killed these innocent women and children. Something he has to wear on his sleeve for the rest of his miserable life.

The more Biden renders an opinion on Israel and Gaza, the more trouble he finds himself in. Millions of Americans cannot wait for November 5 to send him packing and away from all centers of power. The legacy and reputation of Genocide Joe cannot possibly survive his determination to help a mass murderer carry on with his horrible crimes.

Folks, only a bullet to the head of Netanyahu from committing more war crimes, and from turning the U.S. into the laughingstock of the world.


Europeans think American politicians are the stupidest one can imagine. And for a good reason. In response to the ICC holding Netanyahu accountable, the GOP is considering a bill to sanction the ICC.

It is one thing when the United States sanctions Muslim countries, and quite another when it sanctions European institutions. A small difference the GOP does not seem to fully comprehend.

We have idiots who are running this country. No wonder Donald Trump is so popular.

If the GOP sanctions the ICC, it will come at the expense of the U.S. and its standing in Europe. Nothing tells the world how defunct the U.S. political system has become when it starts attacking itself, from within, for protecting and respecting the very laws it created.

The optics are indelibly corrupt.

Folks, only a bullet to the head of Netanyahu can stop him from committing more genocidal war crimes. As well as from turning the U.S. into the laughingstock of the world.

Only a Bullet Would Stop Netanyahu

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