Pity the Man Who Won Accolades of Millions

Pity the Man Who Won Accolades of Millions

Pity the man who won accolades of millions

Through lies and deception

Or the man who won an election

By belittling others without exception


Pity the man who won your attention

Through racism and bigotry

Or the man who won a woman’s vote

After raping so many


Pity the man who won voters’ confidence

Without a single original idea

Or the man who ignored a virus

That killed so many innocents


Pity the man who won so little respect

Among his friends and foes

Or the man who disrespected our heroes

Calling them “Losers” and “Suckers”


Pity the man who won some applaud

By mocking the hero John McCain

Or the man who never served

Except his self-interests


Pity the man who won the eerie silence

To separate children from their mothers

Or the man who built cages

To house the same children now orphans


Pity the man who won the honor

Of calling himself a genius

Or the man whose dumbness

Was built on delusional ingenuity


Pity the man who won his self-granted greatness

Without a single worthy achievement

Or the man whose celebrated life

Never submitted to the rule of law


Pity the man who inherited much from his father

And claimed as his own making

Or the man whose bankruptcies

Showcased his blatant mediocrity


Pity the man who won the love of Christians

Without ever kneeling before their God

Or the man who pepper-sprayed the civilized

For a Bible and a photo-op


Pity the man who won speaking of law and order

And go silent when supremacists brutalized

Or the man who ignored George Floyd

To dog whistle more hatred and brutality


Pity the man who won the silence of his peers

Through torment and threats

Or the man who used Twitter

To mass bully the intelligent


Pity the man who won respectability of his Party

Through fear and intimidation

Or the man who won their loyalty

By claiming to be their kingmaker


Pity the man who won the right to preside

Only to abuse and dishonor his duties

Or the man who persecuted freedom

To establish his kingdom of cruelties


Pity the man who won followers for his cult

Among a sea of blindness

Or the man emptying their pockets

To claim another throne of madness


Pity the ignorance of Donald Trump followers

Pity the Man Who Won Accolades of Millions

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