Reconstruction Should Have Forced Re-Applying for Statehood

Reconstruction Should Have Forced Re-Applying for Statehood

In the aftermath of the American civil war, President Andrew Johnson, an apologist for pro-slavery, proclaimed a Confederate amnesty in 1865, which in effect emboldened the south to continue its civil war on a different level. Ever since, this soft war has led us to what we are witnessing today in terms of the behavior of the white supremacist domestic terrorists. Reconstruction should have forced re-applying for statehood on the basis of new constitutional commitments to clean the mess today’s racists in America have dragged this country through the last 160 years. Amnesty meant the war was never over. It just hibernated.

Talk of a new civil war is so rampant among Trump supporters and the red states racist bigots that we should be alarmed and very concerned. The Insurrection was just a prelude to something far more sinister many in this nation are preparing for.

This country should have cleaned house the same way the German Government cleansed itself of Nazis after WWII.


Just imagine where we are today when a sitting Congressman speaks of “bloodshed”, which refers to a new civil war, and his GOP buddies remain silent. It’s approval by proxy. People like Rep. Madison Cawthorn are telling us openly and without hiding that the American civil war has been hibernating. The man is 26 years old, and one can only imagine what kind of damage this idiot is capable of causing if he calls the south or the red states to bear arms, which he is just steps away from doing. Rep. Nancy Pelosi called the coward Kevin McCarthy for his silence on the matter.

There are some in this country who truly wish for a repeat of the war. They are telling us so and we should not ignore them.

The U.S. Government should have never allowed the south to flaunt its generals, its flags, its history, and its war memorials in the Capitol, across state capitals, and in parks and squares to glorify their pro-slavery message. This country should have cleaned house the same way the German Government cleansed itself of Nazis after WWII. For better or worse, America let the white supremacists fester below the surface able and ready to spring into any bloody action again.

The Taliban terrorists have become the heroes of the white supremacists here at home.


Geneva Sands of CNN wrote an article in which she said:

As the United States-backed government in Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and US troops raced to leave the country, White supremacist and anti-government extremists have expressed admiration for what the Taliban accomplished, a worrying development for US officials who have been grappling with the threat of domestic violent extremism. CNN by Geneva Sands - September 1, 2021

Those domestic terrorists from the red states are lauding the Taliban. Whether out of admiration for their terror or swift win in controlling the country, either angle is horrific to contemplate. The Taliban terrorists have become the heroes of the white supremacists here at home.

It is never too late to pass new anti-union laws that would lock up these bastards. If, since the Reagan years, we have imprisoned up to 2 million more prisoners — mostly black young men — we sure as hell can lock up 2 million white supremacists.

No mercy or no country.

Reconstruction Should Have Forced Re-Applying for Statehood

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