Same Corporations Backing Biden Are Also Backing Hostile Republicans

Same Corporations Backing Biden Are Also Backing Hostile Republicans

In U.S. politics, there is one element in the art of political contributions that is a beauty. Big companies tend to support both political parties to score a win no matter which candidate wins. In other words, the same corporations backing Biden, like the banks benefiting greatly from the miseries of student debt holders, are also backing hostile and combative Republicans now standing in the way of President Biden achieving any success during his presidency.

Both parties are compelled year-in and year-out to work tirelessly to make the other President fail in order to make it easier for their party to regain power. Regardless whether this kind of sociopath strategy hurt the nation or its people or not. Just another beauty of our twisted democracy working for the few.

Think about this concept. Biden kisses the ring of big donors who turn around and provide his opponents the comfort they need for the rest of the country to suffer from lack of cooperation by our legislators.

It’s really like every American died and went to hell.

How did corporate America gain such authority over those in power while the people lack access, control over destiny, and an abhorrent system some call it a functioning democracy?


Here is a snippet from an article Jillian Berman wrote for the huffpost that summarizes the truth about the title of this article.

Brooke Buchanan, a Walmart spokesperson, emphasized that the Walton family and Walmart’s PAC are different. She noted that 49 percent of the PAC’s contributions went to Democrats in the 2011-2012 election cycle. Huffpost Jillian Berman 06/18/2013

That’s not really different from other corporate political contributions who play black and red roulette simultaneously in the American political crooked system.

How did corporate America gain such authority over those in power while the people lack access, control over destiny, and an abhorrent system some call it a functioning democracy?

Take the issue of the minimum wage over a $15 an hour. Walmart has been lobbying against it since 2013, when it first surfaced. And to this day, it is still lobbying against raising the standards of living of its employees while the family total fortune almost approaches $200 billions.

Meanwhile, Walmart spends 49% of its political contributions to shore-up the Democrats, and the other 51% to back hostile and combative Republicans.

Folks, the same corporations backing Biden are also backing hostile Republicans. How could anything get done in this kind of political tug of war where both parties have, as equally, dug in their heels with help from the same corporate donors?

A revolution is coming if corporations don’t yield back Congress to serve the interests of the people.


We live in a democracy that won’t let us control our own destinies because our politicians are held hostages to big money donors. One has to thank Ronald Reagan for his deregulation and opening the door for corporations to write our laws. Ever since, the middle class in America has been melting like an iceberg in Miami and very much on the brink of extinction; while the impoverished sink deeper into poverty. What a wonderful world of a Disney this is turning out to be. Corruption galore. Corruption unhinged.

The fact that corporations are allowed to feed both political parties at the same time is a disaster waiting to happen. The anger of January 6 is now the prevalent societal ill that our broken system must deal with, and there is no doubt that this devious system of government where the few oligarchs control everything and everyone is not sustainable. Look around you. Look at all the anger boiling over across America.  A revolution is coming if corporations don’t yield back Congress to serve the interests of the people.

So as corporations play God with our lives, our politicians don’t seem to grasp the simple notion that when one American powerful corporation supports you equally as it supports your antagonistic opponent, it is simply trying to keep control of both regardless whether it harms the nation or not. They are the source of how much we deviated from an ideal democratic society of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Remember that slogan? It’s ancient history today. Just replace “corporation” with “people” and you will understand why our country is falling apart before our eyes.

Same Corporations Backing Biden Are Also Backing Hostile Republicans

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