The Blatant Racism of Ron DeSantis

The Blatant Racism of Ron DeSantis
The Blatant Racism of Ron DeSantis who blocks an African-American course in high school stands by “Freedom Lives Here” sign. Go figure.

Systemic racism is a bitch. It hides in plain sight and is embedded into law, traditions, and the American culture. But when it appears overtly, as it did in Florida yesterday when Governor Ron DeSantis blocked the teaching of an African-American Advanced Placement (AP) course at high school level, you cannot but wonder about the blatant racism of Ron DeSantis. Why did he block the course? Because, according to his office, it violated Florida law. One that he placed on the books for that exact purpose to wipe America’s ugly history when it comes to its slave trade, slave oppression, and slave brutality.

Do you know where else governments interfere in education to re-write history using laws as an excuse? Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, and North Korea. Welcome to the new American extreme Republican Party Americans should trust in running the country.

Will the American people stand for another Donald Trump, more nuanced in his racism and bigotry, to occupy the White House again?


AP, for those who are not familiar with the term, refers to courses taught to the brightest kids in some private and public high schools around the country. In simpler terms, most students who usually end-up taking the AP curriculum also end up with the highest chances of success in life. They become our future leaders.

Governor DeSantis wants to block the brightest in Florida from ever learning about the history of this country, which, in effect, is one of the largest brain washing operation that Ayatollah Khamenei and Vladimir Putin would envy us over. What is DeSantis goal? To continue the tradition of systemic racism using education, or lack of, as the medium of choice.

Enlightened future Americans uproot systemic racism.

Maybe this move scores points for DeSantis in Florida, but will it work on a national level? Will the American people stand for another Donald Trump, more nuanced in his racism and bigotry, to occupy the White House again? This is the question that some of DeSantis advisors, who have no experience in running a national presidential campaign, may yet regret should the Governor ever decide to run for office.

Yes, the racists in this country would certainly vote for DeSantis. But will the Millennials, now the largest voting bloc in American politics, accept to live through the horror years of Donald Trump again in the personae of Ron DeSantis.

This remains to be seen.

The Blatant Racism of Ron DeSantis

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