The Gaza War is Devastating Israel

The Gaza War is Devastating Israel
A student protester shot by the police with a rubber bullet. The Gaza War is Devastating Israel.

You cannot tell by looking at the total destruction Israel exacted on Gaza, nor can you tell because of the total support the West has accorded the genocidal maniac Netanyahu, but, in reality, the Gaza War is devastating Israel as much as it has Gaza. It broke Israel socially, politically, and economically for the Cinderella story Israel was selling the world about its democracy and most humane army in the world. Instead, the world discovered one of the ugliest and the most violent colonial power in modern history.

A power no one seems to want to associate with voluntarily. Even countries, whose Israel-aligned interests in the region are paramount to their existence, are oscillating about their commitments. Israel has turned itself into one giant kryptonite, no one wants to be near or touch.

Even those who chose to let the sleeping dogs lie, like President Erdoğan of Turkey, has changed course recently. He halted all trade with Israel until the Israelis allow unfettered access to food and medical essentials to the besieged people of Gaza.

It would take months, if not years, before Israel can renegotiate these agreements with other countries. At the expense of the Israeli economy and higher prices for its consumers. Genocide is pricey.

So much for Israel believing it could get away with a genocide without paying a very dear price.


To show how an economic meltdown is impacting Israel, an article in Mondoweiss explains how Israel’s genocide in Gaza is impacting the long-term legitimacy of Israel as a trade route between the East and Europe.

Author Ahmad Alqarut writes:

Israel’s aspirations to become the region’s transportation hub have taken a hit. The maritime and land blockade against Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza is working, as one of Israel’s main plans for a prospective “land bridge” connecting the Gulf countries with Israel and Europe has suffered an irrevocable setback. Mondoweiss by Ahmad Alqarut - May 4, 2024

How did it suffer that setback? Iraq introduced its own Development Road Project partnering with Turkey, UAE, and Qatar. Thus bypassing totally the alternative trade route the Netanyahu government intended to use not only for economic prosperity, but also to legitimize Israel as an important hub in the Middle East bridging the East with Europe.

So much for the Abraham Accords. So much for Israel believing it could get away with a genocide without paying a very dear price. And, so much for the religious extremists in Israel.

The protests are as much about divesting from Israeli terror as they are about untying the economic shackles of Israel, which is leading to the decimation of the middle class in America.


There is a belief among market experts and political pundits that the student protests across 70 U.S. campuses are the result of the United States gone astray from its core mission of democracy and human rights. But they are also the result of a grand economic and social malaise descending on the country like a fog.

Gen Z’ers know that quality of life in America has declined tremendously thanks to the greed of the elitists. They watched the Millennials, before them, erect tents in their parents’ home basements, and they won’t have none of it.

So, when Joe Biden, whose out-of-touch policies send hundreds of billions of dollars of their hard-earned taxes to foreign countries, like Israel, they are drawing a line in the sand. The protests are as much about divesting from Israeli terror as they are about untying the economic shackles of Israel, which is leading to the decimation of the middle class in America. Those billions would go a long way to eradicating homelessness, investing into an education system in disarray, and building a far better transportation system.

So, what makes everyone believe this small nation of violent Zionists is going to survive the results of the Gaza War.


China, the communist nation we deride and attack constantly, has already built a high speed rail system covering 28,000 miles (45,061.63 kilometers). In the US, California is the only state building 494 miles (795.02 km) high speed transport system. Go figure, how great is capitalism.

Those dollars going to Israel today will eventually have to be spent domestically. Sooner, or later.

The more one looks at Israel, in terms of its policies, its isolation due mostly to its violent nature, and how fragmented and weak American commitment might become in the future, the less likely it would survive. It exists in a sea of hostilities unlike any other past colonialist European project ever.

So, what makes everyone believe this small nation of violent Zionists is going to survive the results of the Gaza War. It won’t. This is the true legacy of Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu, both of whom today are trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole.

The Gaza War is Devastating Israel

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