The Israeli Template of Terror Against Arab Countries

The Israeli Template of Terror Against Arab Countries
European-looking ISIS leaders. The Israeli Template of Terror Against Arab Countries

ISIS claimed responsibility for the first-of-its-kind terror attack on a Mosque in the Sultanate of Oman, which took the lives of nine innocent worshipers. Why Oman, a peaceful country that has no ties to political activism or terror? And, why now? To read between the lines, one must first understand Oman’s position on the Israeli genocide in Gaza, which it publicly condemned even though Oman boasts good relations with Israel. The ISIS attack on the Mosque in Oman typifies the Israeli template of terror against Arab countries that resist its occupation of Palestine, and that express such condemnation publicly.

ISIS is but the extended arms of terror of Israel that the occupiers of Palestine use to conveniently send messages to other Arab and Muslim countries of what comes next to their people and societies. If they do not tow the Israeli line of obedience, that is.

Don’t you find it extremely bizarre that a Muslim terrorist group like ISIS always attacks other Arabs and Muslims? Never Israel. ISIS explains this anomaly by saying that Palestine is not its priority. Their primary objective is to free Mecca and Medina from the Saudis. But then, ISIS rarely attacks Saudi Arabia, either.

Even ISIS leaders are more European looking than they are Middle Eastern. Go figure how the Mossad in Israel finds them in the Middle East. We guess, the Mossad feels more comfortable dealing with European stock terrorists. Just like them.

Israel has taken control of a weakened ISIS terror organization, it now sends to terrorize countries who condemn or criticize its policies.


Israel usually delivers its first warning shots through the terror of a Muslim group like ISIS. Not only does that spread fear among the Arab countries, but it also suits Israel well for the world to label Muslims as terrorists. It is all one beautifully wrapped Zionist gift of terror against Islam and the region.

Notice that ever since Bahrain and the UAE have normalized their relations with Israel, both countries live in peace. No ISIS terror activities, and no worries about Israel bombing some Mosque, or some innocent Muslims. Just as it is doing in Gaza.

Even Saudi Arabia, which has opened talks of normalization with Israel, has been spared any terror attacks of late. The last time ISIS attacked Saudi Arabia was in January 2017. Which country ISIS attacked most in the Arab world and beyond? Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Surprise, surprise.

For those who don’t know, there are many factions within ISIS, or ISIL.

Israel has taken control of a weakened ISIS terror organization, it now sends to terrorize countries who condemn or criticize its policies. In return for the U.S. not bombing their facilities in Syria and Iraq.

The peaceful country of the Sultanate of Oman was their latest victim, just because Oman stood against the Genocide in Gaza.

The Israeli Template of Terror Against Arab Countries

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