The Most Criminal Army in the World

The Most Criminal Army in the World
The Most Criminal Army in the World

From al-Jazeera comes this video, which cites Chris Sidoti, a member of the UN’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In it, Mr. Sidoti says, as an expert on criminality, that he considers the most criminal army in the world to be that of Israel.

Watch and weep over the lost lives of innocent Palestinians that Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu and his gangster of a government are mass murdering since October 7, 2023. Non-stop. Every day.

We will never forget what the Zionist animals have done to the innocent women and children of Gaza.


As a matter of policy, you will never, ever see this video promulgated in the U.S. mainstream media, which is playing an essential role in hiding Israel’s atrocities. No wonder these mass distributors of propaganda are losing audiences by the millions every year.

Donald Trump is right about attacking them all the time. Organizations like CNN, Fox News, New York Times, the Washington Post, and so many others all deserve to die a slow death. They all support the illegal colonialist project of Israel and its terror against the rightful owners of Palestine.

Muslims tend never to forget these acts of horror that a European white colonizer is inflicting on their soil.


There are tons of videos one can catch online of Israeli drones killing civilians while going about their business in Gaza. Some of these videos show shopkeepers with an outdoor stand to sustain their livelihood, or paramedics trying to save a life. All killed by Israel using drones.

In fact, Israel is trying to destroy the social fabric of Gaza’s functional Palestinian society, which the terrorists hope it could lead to its implosion. Palestinian resilience and dexterity has led Israel to such insurmountable acts of terror against the defenseless people of Gaza.

Beyond the mass murdering of Palestinians, which has surpassed 115,000 between killed or injured, Israel is also torturing those Palestinian fighters or civilians it detains. Stories have surfaced recently of Israel using dogs to rape prisoners. The ultimate act of humiliation that only animals are capable of practicing.

And some out there think Palestinians should simply submit to Israel’s terror. After Gaza, the resistance will only grow and multiply across the whole region. Muslims tend never to forget these acts of horror that a European white colonizer is inflicting on their soil. That man will pay a dear price for this. Today, or a thousand years from now.

The whole Israel Gaza script, whether its impact on the domestic policies of Israel, or its international relations, is littered with holes the United States cannot possibly plug before the Israel ship start sinking.


Israel, which is operating the most criminal army in the world, is split open with so many societal wounds, we do not know where to start.

The divide between the far right and the left are vast and inconsolable. The Haredis refusing to enlist is splitting the country apart during a time of war. The death toll is starting to impact the general perception that Israel is fighting a losing war, and so is the length of time this war is taking. In addition to the number of Israeli soldiers seeking mental services, which is Israel’s biggest secret.

This might explain why Israel is raising the mandatory age for the recruitment of its reservists. By one additional year, again.

The war on Gaza is tiring, already, a Biden administration that cannot run from its obligation to Israel, nor run from an electorate dismayed at Biden’s lack of good judgment in his support of anti-democratic extremists in Israel. In layman’s terms, Biden might as well have backed a far right Republican initiative at home. Both are one and the same.

Furthermore, the stream of Israel atrocities on social media are not helping the United States in any of its one-sided diplomatic efforts. King Abdullah of Jordan is running scared because he defended Israel from the Iranian drone attack, and Mohammad bin Salman has to publicly denounce Israel while engaging diplomatically with the US about normalizing relations with Israel.

The whole Israel Gaza script, whether its impact on the domestic policies of Israel, or its international relations, is littered with holes the United States cannot possibly plug before the Israel ship start sinking.

Meanwhile, the most criminal army in the world has awakened billions of eyes globally.

The Most Criminal Army in the World

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