The Most Evil Man in the World

The Most Evil Man in the World
The Most Evil Man in the World

Some Western historians might argue that Adolf Hitler was an evil humanity could do without, and some might argue Joseph Stalin tops the list of men that should have never been born. But in our view, Benjamin Netanyahu is the most evil man in the world, and if he could kill all five million Palestinians, he would not hesitate for a moment. Even Hitler hesitated in killing the Jews under the Final Solution orders, which only started to happen as a last resort after the Wannsee Conference of 1942.

Had Hitler began his killing crusade against the Jews of Europe in the 1930s, the world would have no Ashkenazi Jews left to occupy Palestine today.

Hurray to the United States for honoring this war criminal by inviting him to speak at a joint session of Congress when he should be in prison. Netanyahu should be, instead, paying for the horrific war crimes he committed, and is still committing, against the women and children of Gaza.

Congress will always wear his invitation as a badge of shame that expresses the extreme violence and arrogance of a superpower on the decline. No longer in control of its own destiny.

Who else got Netanyahu the invitation to speak at Congress but the satanic AIPAC? An organization dedicated to putting Israel first, America second.

If the world finds out just 5% of AIPAC’s maleficent machinations it hides from the public, in complicity with selfish politicians we elect to Congress, the American voters would send every Zionist packing to Israel. Theirs is not about loyalty but to Israel, not America.

Shame on the Republicans and the Democrats for acting as doormats to the likes of Netanyahu.


It’s AIPAC money that invited the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington. Money that is as evil as the man it backs. If the Supreme Court cared about the future of American politics, it would have shut down dark money for good and given the American people the power of a real democracy. Instead, it voted for the influence of the few over the whole country by restricting financial disclosures. As it happens, the majority of those few are Zionist billionaires who care more about Israel than their own country. Sounds familiar?

Restricting disclosure quickly turned into an open season on America itself. What good to our country is such huge support for Israel in Congress if that support often is contrary to U.S. interests? You would think committing an Israeli genocide in Gaza live for the world to witness with American bombs would create a big challenge in times of BRICS rising. You would think those Zionist billionaires would recognize the danger of their influence that would jeopardize US diplomatic missions overseas. They do not because Israel comes first.

But not even the evil of Benjamin Netanyahu is dialing back the AIPAC, charging US interests like a bull in a china store. AIPAC’s influence in issuing the invitation to Netanyahu is sending one message to all Americans: We do not care about the damage we are causing the United States, and we are ramming down America’s throat our evil, just as we are ramming Israeli evil down the throats of the Palestinian children of Gaza.

Shame on the Republicans and the Democrats for acting as doormats to the likes of Netanyahu. As AIPAC cares only about Israel interests only, so are our politicians only care about their own power.

But who is then left to care for America?

The Most Evil Man in the World

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