The Most Immoral US President Ever

The Most Immoral US President Ever
The Most Immoral US President Ever

Besides being the most incompetent and the most idiotic President, Joe Biden happens to be also the most immoral US President ever. The Zionists in America know how to pick those who will do their bidding without any resistance or self-control, and the obscene and depraved they are, the better they serve the Zionists interests and those of Israel.

Often, before serving the American interests.

As an example, how will two pro-American countries, Taiwan and Japan, benefit from having their products, Gold Apollo and ICOM, now probably boycotted globally because they are unable to control Israel planting bombs in them? How does that serve US interests? It does not. It only serves Israeli interests, and Joe Biden, in the White House, knew about it and acted callously by not acting at all.

When we call Joe Biden an idiot and a doormat to Israel, we know what we are talking about. His weakness and his inability to control Netanyahu, who is running circles around him, is an embarrassment to every American who loves this country first.

For a US President to permit Israel to commit such terror and to break so many international and humanitarian laws is indicative of a man who has lost his marbles. How will the acts of terror Israel is perpetrating help the US diplomatic missions abroad? Unless our Embassies have just become 100% CIA centers spreading death and violence against humanity.

All within the context of how America lost its moral compass under Joe Biden.


Everything that is happening in the Middle East today is Joe Biden’s fault. From opening the weapons spigot to the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, to letting him plant bombs inside pagers and walkie-talkies, which will impact western trade, to starving the children of Gaza, Joe Biden is as complicit as Netanyahu. He is, probably, also the most idiotic President we ever had.

Consenting to attacking civilians, or foes for that matter, by planting bombs in their civilian communication devices will drastically change the landscape of how nations and people view western hypocrisy and danger to humanity.

Thanks to that idiot in the White House.

We are not saying Donald Trump is better, he is not. Trump would most likely commit the same crimes as Biden has. He also sold his soul to the Zionists in America, like Miriam Adelson.

Was he not the one that ordered the illegal murder of General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq? Just as Netanyahu ordered the murder of Ismael Hanieyh in Tehran?.

History student, a few years from now, are going to label this time in our history as “The Deconstruction of American Power” for its lack of political will, foresight, and immorality. It will be the subject of discussion and analysis with the same fervor and passion as the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people, or the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

All within the context of how America lost its moral compass under Joe Biden.

The Most Immoral US President Ever

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