The Ultimate Beneficiaries From A Biden Trump Duel

The Ultimate Beneficiaries From A Biden Trump Duel
The Ultimate Beneficiaries From A Biden Trump Duel

Have you thought about who are the ultimate beneficiaries from a Biden Trump duel in which the voters have been forced to choose between two unfit candidates? Two candidates they neither want running, nor even close to the White House. One is a dead man walking, and a facilitator of a genocide, and the other is an outright criminal. Why are the American people put in this position against their will?

Could it be the choice of the Zionist billionaire class in full control of our elections? You bet it could. Absence Joe Biden and his mind, who do you think is running the country today with so many Zionist appointees in the Biden Administration. How many appointees? Well, feast your eyes upon the image above.

Jews represent less than 2% of the U.S. population, yet hold the most important positions in our government. Our concern was and will always be about the Zionist Jews, and not those who seek real peace in the region.

Why the Zionists usually refuse the position of Secretary of Defense? To distance themselves from accusations that they are often behind America’s wars in the Middle East.

The United States of America is totally under the control of the Zionists, and we assume only about 2% of the population know this fact or suspect it.


Miriam Adelson, the widow of the late Sheldon Adelson who fitted Donald Trump with a $300 million campaign purse in return to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, just donated $120 million to Trump. What for, you ask? For Trump to turn a blind eye to Israel’s aggression and annexation of the West Bank if he wins the elections. Anyone who believes the United States is looking for a two-state solution should have their heads examined.

Israel is expanding because the Zionists in America, with their money, are buying not only our politicians, but also many positions of power who tow their line. The United States of America is totally under the control of the Zionists, and we assume only about 2% of the population know this fact or suspect it.

However, the moment 30% to 40% of the American voters discover this truth, Germany 1930 is going to look like a walk in the park. The American people, even the ignorant evangelists following blindly, will not choose Israel over America. They will have to reckon with the fact that they lost control of their country, and many will revolt, if we have to guess.

During that period, when Zionists start screaming victimhood, the world should really believe them. They will become victims to Palestinian retribution.


But do not expose this possibility to AIPAC, the charging bull. That organization thinks its control is permanent, and cannot be challenged. Not today, and not tomorrow. Gen Z did not yet nudge it from its arrogant position, judging by AIPAC banning TikTok. However, this class of voters, in addition to the drastic demographic changes coming to this country by the 2040s, will adjudicate AIPAC and the Zionists to the dustbin of history.

When Jews are disloyal to their own country, and favoring Israel over the U.S., matters eventually will recalibrate. America will rediscover its center of gravity.

So, while the ultimate beneficiaries of a Biden Trump duel, most Americans refute, are the Zionists today, the future for this template from hell where every President is beholden to a foreign country will eventually die. Who ever thought in the 1960s that in 2024, we would have a black American as Secretary of State?

The day of reckoning for Israeli violence to rely on US support will come to an end. When it does, the Palestinian children Israel bombed during the Gaza Genocide will still be around to remember what the Zionists of Israel did to them and their families. How the Zionists made them watch as they killed their parents in front of them.

Just watch the truth:

During that period, when Zionists start screaming victimhood, the world should really believe them. They will become victims to Palestinian retribution.

The Ultimate Beneficiaries From A Biden Trump Duel

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