Is Biden Weak, Greedy, Or Inept?

Is Biden Weak, Greedy, Or Inept?
Is Biden Weak, Greedy, Or Inept?

There have been many articles written about Joe Biden and the unchecked powers of the Zionists in America. Some, like the one Mehdi Hassan wrote for the Guardian, questioning Biden’s willingness to put the hammer down on Israel. Others, like the ones we read in pro-Palestinian media outlets, condemn the Zionists and their control of U.S. politics. None of these articles shed better light on the true nature of Israel’s influence on American politics. With regard to the destruction of Gaza, it is fair to ask is Biden weak, greedy, or simply inept when he is unable to stop the genocide in Gaza the way Reagan stopped Begin assault on Beirut in 1982?

We believe the answer to this question lies in three separate answers dealing with weakness, greed, and ineptitude.

His position is so pro-Israel, it makes one wonder whether it is the result of his weakness to confront all the Zionist Jews in his administration and among his funders.


Weak. As per Mehdi Hassan’s article, Joe Biden is demonstrating a particular weakness that he is justifying by convincing himself that the October 7 attack on Israel was an act of horrific proportions. In many of his speeches, or leaked messages, Biden demonstrated no empathy for the Palestinian people. Is that out of ignorance or justification? The issue remains a mystery.

However, one would think that a sitting President, unless he is a bigot and a racist, would at least look at the horrible information emanating out of the Gaza genocide before rendering an opinion, or taking a position.

Biden did neither. His position is so pro-Israel, it makes one wonder whether it is the result of his weakness to confront all the Zionist Jews in his administration and among his funders (AIPAC paid him almost $5m in campaign contributions), or whether he is afraid of losing Jewish support.

Biden needs all the money he could get his hands on, regardless of how many Palestinians die under U.S. bombs.


Greedy. If the largest Israeli lobby is able to buy Joe Biden for $5million, it makes you wonder how many secretive American Zionist billionaires, out of approximately 250, are willing to hold campaign contributions if he did not walk the line. This factor might explain his reluctance to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. He just does not want to rock that boat that may be the difference between returning to the White House, or moving to an assisted-living home.

We cannot discount greed from the equation, as poll after poll is showing Donald Trump beating Joe Biden by a healthy margin. Add his age as a factor, and Biden is running scared. He needs all the money he could get his hands on, regardless of how many Palestinians die under U.S. bombs. That may be the most pragmatic of explanations for why Joe Biden is not calling for a Gaza ceasefire.

For these reasons above, Biden’s haters will never cease to call him “Genocide Joe”.


Inept. By far, this is the most relative issue that the octogenarian Biden needs to address. In light of his latest and other Faux Pas demonstrating a cognitive decline. On many occasions, he has manifested the lack of cognitive acuity when addressing the public, which we cannot discount but as ineptitude in the face of the tough decisions he has to make, and the scheduling he must uphold.

Other foreign policy decisions have also demonstrated that ineptitude. Remember when he initially refused to support Ukraine until the EU leadership explained to him what it means if America does not? He reluctantly agreed, but only by trickling the weapons Ukraine needed, which sucked the oxygen out of their offensive.

Biden has a good history of ineptitude, mostly based on reluctance and hesitation. His actions with regard to changing course on Israel are not surprising, except for sending weapons, with no conditions attached, to a bunch of ultra-conservative terrorists in Jerusalem. That’s a big no, no for a Democrat.

This act should remain the centerpiece of his incompetence as a commander-in-chief. It will haunt him until the day he dies. Especially among liberal historians, free from spin and disinformation, write about his total incompetence in how he handled the Gaza War.

At the end of the day, we believe Biden is all three wrapped into one complex personae. He is weak, greedy, and inept depending on the priorities he must face on a daily basis.

For these reasons above, Biden’s haters will never cease to call him “Genocide Joe”.

Is Biden Weak, Greedy, Or Inept?

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