The NRA Holds Republican Senators by their Balls

The NRA Holds Republican Senators by their Balls
The NRA Holds Republican Senators by their Balls

What kind of a politician, or man, allows an organization of mostly rural gun-touting, trigger-happy White Supremacists hold them by their throats and not utter a whisper? In fact, it is not their throats. The NRA holds all the Republican Senators by their balls. These cowards who call themselves patriots seem to think that a more elaborate background check on people buying guns infringes on their 2nd Amendment rights.

An amendment our Founders intended for only two reasons: 1) To protect ourselves from a British, or other invasions by outside actors and, 2) To protect ourselves from an authoritarian ruler. It was never intended to allow us to turn our guns on each other. How could those cowards in Congress just ignore this violence against little children? How could they claim, as the moronic Sen. Thom Tillis did, by saying we should not have a “reflexive reaction“.

Tell that to the parents of the children at Sandy Hook and now Robb Elementary, Senator Tillis. Let us hope your grandchildren never have to faceĀ  guns in their schools.

Is the Second Amendment about freedom to own guns, or freedom to kill little children?


Most people own guns in America to protect their freedom. How is that related to a mentally deranged 18-year old killing 19 children and 2 teachers in Texas because the law allowed him to buy guns easily? How is freedom protected when we witness senseless death of our own little children?

The reason why is because of the NRA. A cancer in and by itself causing all the violent deaths in America due to gun ownership.

The organization believes that any gun laws is a slippery slope towards total gun control. At least this is the fear mongering it has been able to promote to their members. The fact that no Republican Senator can see the vast difference between one’s freedom and the senseless mass murder of our children at schools demonstrates just how the evil NRA holds these Republican Senators by their balls.

I would like the NRA to answer this question: Is the 2nd Amendment about freedom to own guns, or freedom to kill little children?

In summation, the NRA is a cancer and the Republican Senators are just plain old cowards. This is written in the blood of the 19 children who died because the Republican Senators would not pass the laws to protect any of them.

And it seems they are still unwilling to have a conscious.

The cowards.

The NRA Holds Republican Senators by their Balls

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