The Out of Touch Commander in Chief

The Out of Touch Commander in Chief
The Out of Touch Commander in Chief

A Reuters/Ipsos poll showed that 56% of Democrats prefer a President who does not back Israel in its war on Gaza, or send it military aid. Considering that the United States is suffering from lack of funding for essential social programs to help the deprived and the destitute, the poll provides a social snapshot of how Americans are beginning to view Israel as a burden and a liability, and not as an asset or an ally. The out of touch commander in chief strikes again with his lack of good judgment as he digs his own political grave right before our eyes and the world.

Biden is also demonstrating another weakness that no one has accused him of before. His lack of intelligence as he refuses to abet his aid to Israel, in spite of Benjamin Netanyahu massacring over 22,000 women and children. In addition, for his refusal to place any conditions on the use of American munitions to kill civilians.

Those are trademarks of an out of touch President who is incapable of any intelligent thinking as his age becomes an issue. All Biden has to do is stop the weapons spigot to Israel, and not veto any U.N. resolution to end the war. The fact he won’t, or he can’t, shows that he is mentally incapacitated.

And no, his aides can’t help. He is a stubborn old man who screams at them if they dispute his decisions. In fact, according to this article by Axios, he is an angry and temperamental old man who screams all day long at his aides.

If the poll data of this Reuters/Ipsos does not induce the DNC to move swiftly, the Democrats, honestly, deserve to lose in November.


If the Democratic leadership around the country do not rise against his candidacy before it is too late, Trump is coming to power. Don’t blame the 56% of Democrats when he loses. It’s all on him for his lack of good judgment, and on the DNC for not moving to seek another leader when all the warning signs began to appear.

In fact, we believe Benjamin Netanyahu set up a trap for Biden by making him complicit in the genocide of Gaza, and the old man just fell for it.

Folks, hear us out. Biden is too old and too decrepit, and we believe he lost his capacity to think straight for his own good. If the Democratic leadership in this country does not move to replace him by introducing a new candidate before their convention on August 19 in Chicago, you might as well just stay home, or worse, vote for Donald Trump.

If the poll data of this Reuters/Ipsos does not induce the DNC to move swiftly, the Democrats, honestly, deserve to lose in November. The writing is on the wall for all to see.

The Out of Touch Commander in Chief

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