The Righteous People That Make America Great

The Righteous People That Make America Great
Columbus, Ohio City Attorney Zach Klein is The Righteous People That Make America Great

We all know what MAGA stands for. The AGAIN in MAGA is unnecessary. A story out of Columbus. Ohio proves it when the righteous people that make America great stand up for the Constitution and the rights of freedom. When Righteous Americans manifest themselves to protect our right to peaceful protest, America becomes the great nation we all want it to be. But when the police run amok shooting and injuring innocent civilians, then it’s fascist Trumpism intruding to dilute the powers of our Constitution.

The city of Columbus just settled with those its police force injured during a peaceful protest march in 2020 after the cold murder of George Floyd. In describing the settlement, city attorney Zack Klein said:

During the protests in Columbus, some plaintiffs were significantly injured. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon the City to accept responsibility and pay restitution.Columbus, Ohio City Attorney Zach Klein - December 10, 2021

Bravo Zach Klein. Well done, sir. In my opinion, Klein represents the righteous people that make America great.

Imagine this scenario. You protest against police brutality only for the police to brutalize the peaceful protests. In a country where the Constitution protects you to march peacefully. How sick is that? Policing in the United States is out of control.

Where does it stop? Any wonder why some people call for defunding the police?

Some of America’s police departments fully remind me of the now-defunct East German police force dubbed the Stazi.

Settlement funds no city can afford to pay is the main driver for police reforms.


There has been a genuine effort of late to limit the damage of police brutality on communities across the United States. Some of it comes from within these departments genuinely and urgently interested to put an end to police brutality, and some has been forced upon police departments and their unions because of the costs associated with unnecessary police violence.

No American city, with its crumbling infrastructure, mediocre education departments, and raging Opioid epidemic can afford to pay money to settle their out of control police departments. Victims of police brutality are hitting them in their pockets, which is having an impact on police reforms across the nation. This comes not a minute too soon. The country can no longer afford to hire bad cops who taint the reputation of not only the good cops, but all the good work police departments have invested in community relations.

Settlement funds no city can afford to pay is the main driver for police reforms. It matters little whether it’s the influence of Black Lives Matter and its backers, or the influence of sensible lobbying by the African-American leaders as long as cities implement police reforms and pressure police union chiefs who stand by bad cops no matter the costs to resign promptly.

At the end of the day, the more money cities pay to settle police brutal actions, the more pressure by elected officials to reform a rotten and racist police system.


Along the lines of police reforms, cities must not forget the negative impact many of the police unions and fraternities exercise in maintaining the status quo. The leadership of these fraternities are often White Supremacists who favor the killing of innocent black men and women. Further, they often agree with the act of brutalizing peaceful demonstrators. They will go the extra mile to weaponize bad cops regardless of the costs the city may incur.

They are practitioners of barbaric jungle tribalism.

This hot bed of racism has become a financial burden on towns across the land. Cities reforming their police departments must also reform the fraternities, or it will all be for naught. The White Supremacists, Neo-Nazi nationalists have infiltrated the police force, offices for the state prosecution, and the judicial courts across many of the red counties in America. This is why the incarceration rate of African-Americans is nearly five times the rate of the white people. All because the confederate haters in this country have been rigging the system since the end of the civil war.

At the end of the day, the more money cities pay to settle police brutal actions, the more pressure by elected officials to reform a rotten and racist police system. Lost millions of dollars will eventually bring back normalcy to cities like Columbus, Ohio.

Columbus also just banned many of the lethal tools the police force use during peaceful protests. Tools like tear gas, pepper spray, flash-bang grenades, rubber bullets, wooden pellets, and batons.

Finally, policing peaceful demonstrators makes Columbus, Ohio great. The city now protects our rights under the Constitution.

The Righteous People That Make America Great

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