The Space Billionaires Look So Small

The Space Billionaires Look So Small

A billionaire by the name of Marc Lore just proposed a novel new idea and it has nothing to do with falsely claiming he is pushing new space frontiers. Lore proposed building a new visionary city, Telosa, here on planet earth that would be on the cutting edge of all environmental and urban development innovations. The city’s first stage will finish in 2030 at the cost of $25 billions, and will become home to 50,000 residents on 1,500 acres. Telosa will eventually house some 5 million people. Today’s announcement also marks another important landmark we should all remember because Marc Lore just showed us why the space billionaires look so small.

At least Lore will be making money from his venture by contributing to our planet. The space billionaires out there competing to rocket themselves into space to get the media’s attention are pursuing profits for redundant and almost useless ventures. I say useless because their true intent is to build rockets the U.S. Government can guarantee them multi-billion dollar contracts to send satellites, telescopes, and rovers into space.

It’s all about making more billions for Bezos.

If Musk won the contract, why in hell does Jeff Bezos want taxpayers money to build a redundant rocket?


The problem is we don’t need three different companies. Elon Musk was first and he won a NASA contract, which Bezos attempted to kill only to be rejected by an appeal court. Remember when Microsoft won a DoD cloud contract, Bezos also tried to kill that one too. There is no limit to this man’s greed and it will be his undoing one day.

If Musk won the contract, why in hell does Jeff Bezos want taxpayers money to build a redundant rocket? Why can’t he be a true visionary like Lore and concentrate on leaving a legacy of fortitude behind instead of one of lawless capitalist greed?

It goes to show you that a self-made businessman and a capitalist is hardly a good citizen when he raids our taxes to add to his already immense fortune. When will it stop? Can someone tell these billionaires they cannot take their money with them? And if they think they are leaving a spotless legacy behind them, they ought to think about historical reversal of fortune for so many who tried to poison public opinion through spin, secrecy, and lies.

Bill Gates has helped and continues to help, through his foundation, to eradicate diseases in Africa. What is Bezos doing to help humanity?


Musk developed the unique and amazing Tesla. What did Bezos do except figure out a way to open your garage door to drop off packages? Hardly ingenious, don’t you think? Not only Bezos is not a visionary, but he is bad for middle class America for raiding our taxes.

Grant you that Musk long-term goal is to inhabit other planets. Not so for Bezos.

Bill Gates has helped and continues to help, through his foundation, to eradicate diseases and poverty in Africa. What is Bezos doing to help humanity? Absolutely nothing; in fact, he is harming it.

Whatever Bezos is doing today in secrecy as he hires PR companies to buy him good publicity will be exposed after he is gone. Nothing remains a secret for long. His excessive and harmful greed included. That’s a guarantee.

In the times of the worst kind of capitalists in the image of Jeff Bezos, it looks like the real visionaries are rising above his muck.


Lore’s vision has plenty to cheer about. We should all celebrate these capitalist visionaries who give back something to our humanity. Just read the full scope of Lore’s vision to appreciate his intent to solve the many problems we are facing here on earth to include governance.

Oscar Holland of CNN writes:

In addition to innovative urban design, the project also promises transparent governance and what it calls a “new model for society.” Taking its name from the ancient Greek word “telos” (a term used by the philosopher Aristotle to describe an inherent or higher purpose), the city would allow residents to “participate in the decision-making and budgeting process.” A community endowment will meanwhile offer residents shared ownership of the land. CNN by Oscar Holland - September 2021

In the times of the worst kind of capitalists in the image of Jeff Bezos, it looks like the real visionaries are rising above his muck.

We salute Marc Lore, and we wish Telosa all the success in the world.

The Space Billionaires Look So Small

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