The Visible Decay of American Politicians

The Visible Decay of American Politicians
The Visible Decay of American Politicians

There is no escaping the fact that when both the Democratic and the Republican Parties invited a war criminal to address a joint session of Congress, it highlighted the visible decay of American politicians. When America invited Benjamin Netanyahu, it showed the world that its political system has hit rock bottom. No moral decency, no compass of morality, and no respect for any laws. Who is to blame for the sorry state of our affairs but the Zionists, whose influence and rot is festering in our political system. Because of Zionism, our republic is dying slowly.

Why in the hell did we fight Adolf Hitler in Europe if we are willing to grow our own in the Middle East? When Mike Johnson, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak, they also invited the ridicule of the world. Not that those four men have any notion of what main street across the globe thinks of them and our country today, but should they not be concerned that we are empowering our enemies? Especially, when we go against the tide of humanity?

Today, the U.S. has reached the height of arrogance during times when humility could earn us political capital to help our republic meet the challenges of a far more dangerous world. Instead, we are self-destructing because we have reached the apogee of corruption when we let Zionist billionaires buy our leaders for their own self interests.

Many historians will point to Gaza as the beginning of the end of our super, but short ride, as the leaders of the world.


Trust us when we tell you that the impact of Netanyahu’s terror, a war criminal, speaking in Congress, will reverberate for years to come as American power and prestige slip into the bowls of darkness. Wonder not, then, why the American people feel our decline in their minds and in their pockets. It is coming. You can count on it when the very few, consistently, go against the will of the majority of their people.

Now, maybe Americans may understand why January 6 happened. In fact, we learned nothing from that eventful day when we invited a despicable war criminal, still killing babies by the thousands, to speak in our House.

Slow death moves slowly. When Ronald Reagan changed the capitalist landscape of our nation, through voodoo appeal, which reasoned that greed has gravitas, we did not see the results until 40 years later. His policies started the journey of enriching the very rich at the expense of the middle class.

The same will happen to the U.S. on the global stage. We will not feel the Gaza effect for another 20, 40, or more years. But it is coming, and it will paralyze our economy. When it happens, many historians will point to Gaza as the beginning of the end of our super, but short, ride as the leaders of the world.

The most senior Jewish Congressman Jerrold Nadler labeled Netanyahu as “The worst Jewish leader in history”.


The speech Netanyahu delivered in Congress was combative, and full of lies. As if the war criminal learned nothing from his genocidal war on Gaza, and from turning Iran into a regional superpower because of the Iraq War he advocated for. While the Jewish population suffers the indignities of having to defend a far right extremist nutcase, Netanyahu continues to find more reasons to keep the war going.

So much so that the most senior Jewish Congressman Jerrold Nadler labeled Netanyahu as “The worst Jewish leader in history”. About his speech, Nadler called Netanyahu “fundamentally dishonest”.

Let us, also, not forget what Rep. Nancy Pelosi said about Benjamin Netanyahu after he delivered his unhinged speech.

Thank God, we still have some of our Representatives that AIPAC cannot buy, or are too courageous not to speak truth to power. Jerrold Nadler, Thomas Massey, Bernie Sanders, and all those who boycotted the speech of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.

One thing we all came away from his speech is how much Israel fears the U.S. campus protests. He called them names because of that fear. She called it the “worst speech to Congress from any foreign leader”. Don’t you all wish she spoke her mind when he started massacring women and children?

It is obvious to the world that Netanyahu came to Washington to prolong the war, and not to find a sensible solution that would end it. The moment the genocide in Gaza stops, Netanyahu will be out of a job.

His own people hate him more than the rest of the world.

The Visible Decay of American Politicians

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