The Zionist Gaza Concentration Camp

The Zionist Gaza Concentration Camp
The Zionist Gaza Concentration Camp

Move over Auschwitz. With help from a nostalgic 21st century Germany and a hijacked American system of power, the new Nazis in Israel have found a way to re-create Germany circa 1945 with their new Zionist Gaza concentration camp under the nose of the whole world. With help, of course, from the same ilk of European Nazis, they call themselves enlightened, we believed no longer existed. Jewish Zionism of the 21st century is the spitting image of German Nazism of the 20th century. And the Palestinians are their new victims.

Who would have believed that Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor and Zionist promoter, felt such nostalgia about his old Vaterland? Who would have thought that Europe would simply let Nazism rise again in Israel, while helping it quietly to remind the world of what inhumanity looks like?

Instead of holding Benjamin Netanyahu, the new architect of terror and the lost son of Adolf Hitler, accountable for his crimes, the United States and Europe are sending him weapons by the planeloads. Don’t you love this western civilization, which we believe the world should start calling western barbarism, or western philistinism?

The humiliation of Mickey Mouse Joe and the erosion of US power in the face of Zionism, which controls almost all of our politicians, is now complete.


And who comes to the rescue to drop 38,000 meals for 2.3 million starving Palestinians but the one and only Joe Biden? The same man whose bombs, missiles, and rockets were used to define a new Zionist Gaza concentration camp to surpass the notorious reputation of Auschwitz? Don’t you love that man for his humanity?

We are betting all our marbles that Joe Biden today is all smiles as he pats himself on the back for dropping 5 calories per person in Gaza. Just enough that they suffer, but don’t die. He may drop some more to increase it to maybe 20, 50, or even 100 calories a day. While hundreds of food trucks are waiting on the borders of Gaza, which Adolf Netanyahu is blocking from entering.

The humiliation of Mickey Mouse Joe and the erosion of US power in the face of Zionism, which controls almost all of our politicians, is now complete. Except for Senator Chris Van Hollen, as well as the Progressives like Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Senator Bernie Sanders, every other representative in Congress is waiting for their bone from AIPAC to stay silent on Gaza. In fact, we have so many “Olaf Scholzes” in Congress, it is terrifying to think we are the leader of the free world. Free from what? Deliberate starvation of children?

This image will remain plastered on our flag for eternity. Just as the memory of Aaron Bushnell will always remind us how evil we have become.


Look at the image above and tell us this is American exceptionalism. The one many proud Americans have been indoctrinated to repeat like parrots in cages. Folks, Americanism has reached its bottom with this picture above. We have become the scum that our own government, and the Zionists who control it, want us to believe is exceptionalism.

There are no more words to describe this phase of our history. Today, we are the facilitators of the mass murder of children and their starvation. Just because our politicians need the Zionist billionaires to throw them some breadcrumbs to stay in power.

This image will remain plastered on our flag for eternity. Just as the memory of Aaron Bushnell will always remind us how evil we have become. His self-immolation, while screaming “Free Palestine”, is our shame.

In the meantime, Adolf Netanyahu is planning another such masterpiece of inhumanity for Lebanon. With weapons that Joe Biden keeps sending him. Don’t you love American righteousness?

Drop that food, Joe, and pat yourself on the back. There is no doubt in our minds that you are an exceptional president presiding over an exceptional America, as this made in America image above represents.

The Zionist Gaza Concentration Camp

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