Our friends in the Republican Party are proud to mention their loyalty to our vibrant capitalist society, our trailblazing stock market, and the fiscal responsibility they so much applaud. Why is it also that some of them work so hard to keep African American families serving their nation the most with the least economic benefits? True Capitalism is about promoting economic parity where all citizens, without discrimination or malice, enjoy the fruit of their labor.
Imagine a society in which its high-volume consumer purchasing power is spread across the largest number of its citizens to imagine how a nation’s wealth becomes not only the envy of the world, but also makes that nation invincible in its reach and influence.
So, why on earth do policemen follow black drivers waiting to catch them make an inconsequential mistake to throw them in jail for “resisting” arrest? Why do we want, as a society proud of our capitalist heritage, to decimate the families of African Americans and the Blacks in our communities? How does our capitalism prosper when it forces a Black family to chase state welfare because of our insane and petty micro behavior across many of our communities?
The answer is systematic racism.
If a government can print all the money it can and wants without impacting the economy, why is there such a resistance to increasing the minimum wage?
The Modern Monetary Theory dictates that a government can print as much money as it needs if there is a corresponding increase in demand for goods and services. The theory, according to business-oriented Forbes Magazine, is as mainstream as they come in modern economics.
Now imagine this scenario that many Republicans have resisted because it immediately increases the labor costs to a corporation and because it improves on the lives of those at the bottom demography of our society.
If new Federal guidelines can raise minimum wages to $15 or $20 an hour, who truly benefits from that increase? The simple answer is the labor force at the bottom scale of capitalism. But the more complex answer is that everyone benefits and especially capitalism.
If a government can print all the money it can and wants without impacting the economy, why is there such a resistance to increasing the minimum wage? Especially if the results are an increase in demand of goods and services since low-wage consumers will find a way to spend their new and higher wages into the economy?
The elites in this country do not want to empower the minorities for fear that their new and minuscule economic capacity might tilt their influence away from the established power structures.
One answer to this baffling question, I suspect, is entrenched racism.
The elites in this country do not want to empower the minorities for fear that their new and minuscule economic capacity might tilt their influence away from the established power structures. Let them sink into abject poverty to chase their daily meals instead of discovering what a new dose of economic powers can get them. Even though such a move as to increasing the minimum wages also increases the revenues of both the Federal Government and the States.
Furthermore, it also helps corporations sell more goods and services. Higher wages mean our capitalism flourishes across the board.
When you think about the logic of some racist policies in this country, it just borders on hysteria and insanity. Talking about shooting oneself in the foot.
Not only are we tearing apart the fabric of the typical Black family, but we are also driving our own economies towards welfare dependence
Having said that, there is a new realism taking shape in our society. One whose vision transcends the slave mentality of southern politics. From mayors, to governors, to Federal officials, the realization that filling our jails with black men to satisfy the greed of the private prison systems, and which led the way to pass the infamous “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act” in 1994, is counterproductive because it taxes our society at many levels.
Not only are we tearing apart the fabric of the typical Black family, but we are also driving our own economies towards welfare dependence by a vast majority of victims because of our idiotic bigotry. It goes to show you how racism in America is so out of control at many levels.
Yes, racism is about protecting 13% of our population from the few elites who reject their prosperity as an unacceptable trade. Even if it might peril the very capitalism they so much cherish and honor.
But luckily, a new generation of more pragmatic politicians are changing the political landscapes starting with controlling police brutality with new laws and rules.