Trump is a Live Bomb the GOP Invited into its Lap

Trump is a Live Bomb the GOP Invited into its Lap

Some 13 Senators, as well as 140 House Members, decided to hitch their horses to the Trump conspiracy wagon come rain or high water. But considering the GOP lost both run-offs in Georgia, more and more it looks like Trump is a live bomb the GOP invited into its lap and they are too self-absorbed in power politics to realize its impact on their future. That’s the honest truth; clear as a Montana star-studded night sky.

In wars, a soldier uses munitions to kill the enemy. But in Trump’s world, he uses his munitions to kill his followers, friends, and loyal subjects; including the fools in the GOP who are bidding up their hands in a losing poker game.

In the last four years, we have watched, over and over, Donald Trump twist and squeeze the GOP into a world of conspiracies, lies, and deceptions to the point of total insanity. He has been the munition that landed in the GOP lap. Yet, we have a Congress still trying to hitch to Trump’s world without regard to his poison and the baggage he carries.

Apart from the fact that no one has divided this country and torn it apart like Donald Trump has, trust me that Vladimir Putin is laughing his heart out.

Heads need to roll. This means Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.


There is poetic justice in the notion that the Trump bomb will be responsible for many heads to roll. Maybe sooner than later after the seditious incitement of Trump for his supporters to storm the Capitol. More on this last point in another Blog.

Should we not expulse those members of Congress who seditiously joined forces with Trump knowing well his tendencies to incite violence? Starting with Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. Their blind ambitions to get a step-up in pursuit of a higher office almost blew our democracy apart. I say, expulse them. Pronto, and without any delay.

Heads need to roll. Whether it’s the little head of a Trump supporter who breached the Capitol or the big heads of his enablers in Congress. This means Cruz and Hawley. If they don’t realize that sowing doubt and uncertainty in our principles and democracy weakens the country, they do not deserve to represent anyone. If they don’t know that their actions emboldens our enemies and cripples our allies, they deserve our scorn let alone our respect.

Trump is a fire accelerant trying to burn down the American democracy. He represents everything you don’t want your children to emulate.

Self-promotion and media attention is his [Trump’s] oxygen and without that oxygen, Trump will suffocate slowly.


First and foremost is to suspend his primary weapon: Twitter. Without his Twitter account, Trump is but an old angry loser who lost his voice. It is imperative for the company, after January 20, to suspend his account if he violates its terms of use again. Like inciting violence and spreading lies as he has been doing for four years. If we don’t take away his tool for incitement, we are empowering it.

Second, it is as important for news outlets to ignore him and his antics. Self-promotion and media attention is his oxygen and without that oxygen, Trump will suffocate slowly. And slowly, his supporters will forget him once he is out of the limelight. The principle of “out of sight, out of mind” applies here.

Thirdly, it is important to indict him for so many crimes he committed to put to rest any hope that he may return in 2024. His supporters must face the truth, and that truth means that Trump is gone. Never to hear from or see him ever again.

Trump is a live bomb the GOP invited into the lap of every American.

Trump is a Live Bomb the GOP Invited into its Lap


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