US and Israel Are Debating Attacking Iran

US and Israel Are Debating Attacking Iran
US and Israel Are Debating Attacking Iran

In light of the new 20-year deal that both Russia and Iran announced to beef-up the Iranian military capabilities, you better believe that US and Israel are debating attacking Iran. As we speak. As this article is written.

When it comes to Arab and Muslim countries who do not obey Washington’s orders, the Modus Operandi of the United States has been to bomb them. Find any reason, or excuse, but punish them by sending them back to the Stone Age. It should surprise no one that the strategists in Washington and in Tel Aviv are feverishly looking at their different options today.

Those plans have been drawn a long ago and usually sit in someone’s desk waiting their activation. Not one or two, but several plans with different scenarios, or outcomes. When you know Washington so well, you know how its inner government national security apparatus operates.

There is zero deterrence in the region to Israel’s terror and aggression, and it seems Iran is taking the steps to address that imbalance.


The whole world witnessed the Jordanian Air Force defend Israel from Iranian missiles and drones back when Iran retaliated for the attack Israel carried out on its Consulate in Damascus, which killed numerous high-valued Iranian military leaders.

It shocked the Arab world that the entire country of Jordan would turn into an advanced line of defense for Israel.

Although US bases surround Iran on the Gulf side, all US bases in Afghanistan have closed shop ever since the US tumultuous exit in August 2021.

In order to attack Iran by air, either the United States seeks permission from its host countries in the Gulf, or Israel must get the same permission to refuel their jets on their way to Iran. In the past, rumors have circulated that when Saudi Arabia opened its airspace to Israeli carriers, it also agreed for Israeli jets to land, stock, and attack Iran using Saudi territories.

We doubt such an agreement exists. Saudi Arabia tested its air prowess against Iran in Yemen, and failed to make a dent in Iranian capacity to cause harm to Saudi infrastructures. The last Saudi Arabia wants is an Iranian revenge.

If the US and Israel are debating attacking Iran, their plans may not include the participation of the Gulf countries. Jordan’s commitment to Israel is one off.

Having said that, the strategists are pouring over the plans for certain. If Russia lends Iran its military knowhow, it would create a risk to Israel’s supremacy in the Middle East. Something that neither the US and Israel are willing to accept.

Gaza may be a local war, but its impact is regional. There is zero deterrence in the region to Israel’s terror and aggression, and it seems Iran is taking the steps to address that imbalance.

US and Israel Are Debating Attacking Iran

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