US Congress Might As Well Have Invited Adolf Hitler

US Congress Might As Well Have Invited Adolf Hitler
US Congress Might As Well Have Invited Adolf Hitler

The date for the visit of the genocidal maniac Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington to speak for a joint session of Congress has been set for July 24. For all intended purposes, the out-of-touch and doormat to AIPAC US Congress might as well have invited Adolf Hitler. He and Netanyahu are one and the same.

Why is it taking so long to invite the baby killer? Well, because Washington wants to make sure no one assassinates him on the way to Congress. The Biden presidency needs to prepare for his visit by beefing up security on all fronts, to include preparing for a massive, and we mean, massive protests that will bring American voters from all over the country.

We are talking Gen Z., Arab and Muslim Americans, Progressives, and African Americans who see in the Gaza what the cruelty of a white European man is capable of inflicting on humanity.

So close to the elections, voters around the country will certainly be reminded of how weak, impotent, and submissive Joe Biden is to the pro-Israel-only Zionist interests. By July 24, 50% of Americans will know what AIPAC stands for and how evil an entity it is. We need to remind them as well how AIPAC sucks U.S. taxpayer’s money to benefit the Zionists in Israel only, while our own suffer from lack of funding in housing, education, and the long-term care for our own children.

For the few brave ones who still resist AIPAC and its influence, we salute you.


There is also the possibility that the date is fake, whose purpose is to derail the logistics of mass protests. Such may be short-lived though because leaks will happen if, let us say, Netanyahu arrives a week earlier to address Congress.

Nonetheless, Washington should expect a spectacle on July 24, which falls on a Wednesday. As far away from a weekend when people can take off from work to protest. But a Wednesday is not going to tamper the will or the enthusiasm of millions of Americans who will protest, either physically in Washington or from their homes.

What is Congress thinking to invite a baby killer to Washington? Does AIPAC think Netanyahu is going, by miracle, convince the American people that his war is just? That targeting women and children is normal? We believe this is going to be a huge flop. On a scale to scare all the Congressmen and Senators who will attend his speech, or who usually vote for what AIPAC tells them to vote for.

Gaza has awakened the conscious of the sleeping domestic and international majority, and they have become the bravest champions of human rights. On July 24, if the date holds, the anti-Zionist protesters are going to put the protests of Vietnam to shame.

Israel, through AIPAC and ADL, has bought our Congress every year since the 80s.


AIPAC will come to regret inviting a war criminal to Washington. Honestly, the US Congress might as well have invited Adolf Hitler.

Israel, through AIPAC and ADL, has bought our Congress every year since the 80s. All the laws this treacherous body passes, on foreign policy, serves the interests of Israel first. For the few brave legislators who still resist AIPAC and its influence, we salute you.

No one will ever forget your patriotism, and how you believed in your country first, before you served only the interests of Israel. Your rejection of AIPAC is your badge of honor.

US Congress Might As Well Have Invited Adolf Hitler

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