What Happens in Gaza Does Not Stay in Gaza

What Happens in Gaza Does Not Stay in Gaza
What Happens in Gaza Does Not Stay in Gaza

It was wishful thinking on the part of the Israeli propaganda machine, which started with a big bang of lies, to stifle the voices of hundreds of millions of people helping the world to see the atrocities Israel and its extreme government was committing in Gaza. Netanyahu et al. really thought that the world would mostly ignore the genocide and that what happens in Gaza will, for the most part, remain in Gaza.

It did not exactly work that way.

That theory proved to be utterly false. The well-oiled Israeli propaganda machine, far superior to the past Nazi propaganda, failed miserably in the face of humanity. We can conclude as much watching the events unfolding on a global scale, to include protests, governments willing to step up to the ICJ, and countries willing to oppose the United States and Israel by voting at the United Nation in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza.

Today, Israel stands as a pariah state, and a country hated by billions of people around the globe.

No country around the world, and especially not Israel, which calls itself a democracy, can expect to survive with its reputation intact when it targets civilians.


The world has witnessed such atrocious mass murders before. The US-Iraq War killed up to 315,000 civilians, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 killed some 15,000 civilians., and the Syrian civil war caused some 162,000 civilian casualties.

But never before Gaza has the world been so outraged by the intensity of directly killing civilians in hospitals, schools, and refugee camps. So far, Israel has massacred about 30,000 civilians in four intense months of carpet bombing, of which some 70% are women and children that Israel targeted deliberately.

The world is indeed angry at Israel. Its “Israel has the right to defend itself” has run its course, and Israel cannot find any new justification for its terror against the civilian population of Gaza. Except maybe for the evil of Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet.

What is most telling are the number of friends Israel has lost in the last five months, or so. Countries that were neutral have now turned into hostile, and countries that were considered amicable have now become neutral, or antagonistic because of Israel’s excesses and its disproportionate retaliatory violence.

No country around the world, and especially not Israel, which calls itself a democracy, can expect to survive with its reputation intact when it targets civilians. Not in today’s connected global environment.

Let that be a lesson for all future violent leaders.

What Happens in Gaza Does Not Stay in Gaza

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