When Israel Retaliates Against Iran

When Israel Retaliates Against Iran
When Israel Retaliates Against Iran

Predictions that Israel is going to retaliate against Iran’s ballistic missile attack of October 1 is almost certain, even though the Iranian attack was completely justified after Benjamin Netanyahu violated Iranian sovereignty by killing Ismael Haniyeh in Tehran. In addition, of course, to the murder of Hezbollah’s secretary general Hassan Nasrallah by violating Lebanon’s sovereignty too. That last attack also took the lives of some 300 innocent Lebanese civilians. When Israel retaliates against Iran, we should expect that Iran would also strike Israel again, much harder this time around. Even though we know that both the US and Israel now believe they have a solid defense against a copy cat Iranian attack.

Or, will they? That’s what they believed before October 1. This is a big question that no one knows the answer to.

Another big question is the impact of the Israeli-American attack — both countries are cooperating together as one — when Iran now possesses the Russian S-400 defense missile system and the Russian Murmansk-BN Electronic Warfare (EW) system. The latter is capable of jamming even the advanced Israeli F-35I stealth fighters.

Does this attack on Iran aim to test the capabilities of Russian equipment to give Ukraine a more definite green or red light on attacking inside Russia with the U.S. fighter jets? Probably so. We will know soon how well the Russian jamming and defense systems truly are, or are not.

At Apartheid Israel, we hope Russia and Iran bring the monster Netanyahu down to his knees. The whole world has the same wish.

Even if Iran does win 50% of the time, Israel loses 100% of the time.


While it is not so obvious, and no one seems to have information on the matter, we believe Russia is helping Iran with intelligence and logistics the same way it is helping Iran with defense and jamming weapons. If so, Iran may have an entire map of American and Israeli defense systems in place and their capabilities. Such knowledge would allow Iran to penetrate effectively Israeli skies with more precision and a higher possibility of damage.

At the end of the day, it’s a cat and mouse game between the US and Israel on one side, and Iran and Russia on the other. Even if Iran does win 50% of the time, Israel loses 100% of the time because of its arrogance. All you have to do is look at how small is the country of Israel to realize how vulnerable it is to continuous attacks from all sides. Attacks that Iran would also unleash from Iraq and Yemen, in addition to Hezbollah, should Israel retaliate in the next few days.

Biden is dumb enough to do just that. He has proven us right when we claimed he is an idiot of a President whose lack of judgment is going to spark World War III.


Hezbollah’s capabilities are a very small fraction of Iranian capabilities, yet, Hezbollah is still causing damage to Israel by continuously lobbing rockets and missiles, which are hitting their targets. For Israel to believe it can destroy Iranian capabilities in one attack is ludicrous. It will only anger Iran to retaliate with the intent of finishing off the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

And if the United States, foolishly, comes to Israel’s help by unleashing its powers on Iran, kiss the oil industry of the Middle East goodbye and all U.S. bases, which are protecting Israel, mostly.

Biden is dumb enough to do just that. He has proven us right when we claimed he is an idiot of a President whose lack of judgment is going to spark World War III. And we still stand by our words, even more today.

Fasten your seat belts. This is going to be a long war, and we are hoping Iran wins it decisively to humiliate Israel and its genocidal people.

When Israel Retaliates Against Iran

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