Who Asked For Your Advice Elon?

Who Asked For Your Advice Elon
Who Asked For Your Advice, Elon?. A racially segregated train station entrance during apartheid. Apartheid Museum

If you ever wonder how Musk treads that fine line between racism and bigotry, look no further than the roots of Elon Musk, which sprouted in the deadly Apartheid system of South Africa. Actually, he is the child of white nationalists, which immigrated to Canada after the fall of the Apartheid system of slavery. His latest hateful foray targeted the German Government as it attempts to save the lives of immigrants. Who asked for your advice, Elon? Or your opinion, or comment?

Musk’s roots of racism could not help but render that opinion by denigrating the work of aid workers helping migrants on a boat.

Elon Musk believes that everyone needs his advice, and everyone is looking for the great answers of life from him. When, in fact, no one cares about his opinion. For him to criticize random governments because of their actions, when he has no business, or standing claim to do so, shows the extent of his deep racism. The man cannot help but whip up white nationalism. Where? Of all places in Germany.

Did we also tell you that the Apartheid system in South Africa was a distant cousin to Nazism? Based on the same white supremacist Arianism?

No media outlet, writing about Elon Musk, should ignore his Apartheid upbringing as it relates to his ideology of today.


To this day, Elon Musk refuses to speak about his life in South Africa and its apartheid system, committing atrocities against black South Africans. We tend to believe he is refusing such a foray into his past because he does not want to draw parallels between comments he makes today, which often walk a fine line of racism, and that past. One whose smear no one can miss in the personality of Musk.

But that is exactly what we should do. By the age of 17, when Musk left South Africa, his education and life impressions have been baked into his personality and psyche. Maybe this explains why he refuses to speak about his childhood, in order to distance himself from the Elon Musk roots that shaped him. The ones that are intolerant of others who do not look like him.

No media outlet, writing about Elon Musk, should ignore his Apartheid upbringing as it relates to his ideology of today. Missing that link misses the whole point of understanding the billionaire who is spreading hate ever so subtly.

Who Asked For Your Advice, Elon?

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