Who is Really Running Our Country?

Who is Really Running Our Country
Who is Really Running Our Country?

If an image is the expression of a thousand words, a video expresses an unshakable and an unquestionable truth. After watching the video below,  Americans must start asking an essential question of who is really running our country. There is no way that Joe Biden is, or can remain, in control for the next 4.5 years if re-elected again. The video shows clearly that this is a man who should immediately move to an assisted-living facility, and NOT make all the difficult decisions of a US President.

Even though the parachutist landed right in front of him, Joe Biden did not see him and started wandering, unaware where he is, and what he was doing. Who is really running our country?

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to guide him back to earth.

Unfortunately, it is clear, as we watch more and more videos, that our President is almost fully incapacitated. Nothing wrong with aging, but everything is wrong in pretending you are in control when evidence shows you are not.

The worst part? We are still over five months away from the election. His health could deteriorate to the point where no reasonable voter would allow themselves to consciously vote for a walking mummy.

No wonder the genocide in Gaza continues, and no wonder that during the mental absence of Joe Biden, two Zionists have taken over the people’s White House.


There are three people we believe who could be in full control of the White House today.

  1. Jill Biden: If she has the political savvy or the strength of character to stand up to the likes of Chuck Schumer or Jeff Zients, Biden’s low-key Chief of Staff. We have to assume that she is definitely in control of his schedule, which means that when he is resting in bed, others are making all the decisions for him.
  2. Chuck Schumer: Ever the great supporter of Israel and most of its policies, Schumer, as the majority leader of the senate, may have control of the Biden agenda if Jeff Zients would allow him that control. But given that Schumer is incapable of steering Benjamin Netanyahu, we believe his influence over the White House decisions are only related to legislative issues, and not economic, or foreign policy.
  3. Jeff Zients: Like Chuck Schumer, Jeff Zients is Jewish and a strong advocate of Zionism. The like we see Benjamin Netanyahu exercise over the women and children of Gaza. We suspect, because he is fully on the inside, and has control of Biden’s daily routines, meetings, and decisions, that the unelected Zients today is the real President of the United States. Along with Benjamin Netanyahu with help from AIPAC, of course.

No wonder the genocide in Gaza continues, and no wonder that during the mental absence of Joe Biden, two Zionists have taken over the people’s White House.

May the almighty help America.

Who is Really Running Our Country?

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