Why Indicting Brutal Police Officers Is Not Working?

Why Indicting Brutal Police Officers Is Not Working?
Why Indicting Brutal Police Officers Is Not Working?

We all thought that after locking up the killers of George Floyd, brutal and violent police officers would finally get the message. They would be more cognizant that their Klu Klux Klan killing streak is no longer acceptable to the public, nor the local governments paying dearly for their horrible killings. But we were wrong. Violent police officers around the country are still killing innocent black men using unmitigated violence, which begs the question: Why indicting brutal police officers is not working? George Floyd, or not, these brutal bastards are keeping their foot on the gas pedal regardless of what may happen to them.

Is it a case of gross stupidity? or, is it a case that their uncontrollable urges are more powerful than their freedom or their jobs? It is also possible that it may also be a case of hiring psychotic men with a violent streak in their bloods. A police uniform with a phallic gun affords them the power they lack in normal everyday life to include their wives’ beds.

Without their guns, most of these violent police officers are pitiful losers many Americans would not bother to acknowledge.

It would not surprise us if any of these police officers stormed The Capitol on January 6.


In Memphis, not one, not two, but five police officers conspired to kill Tyre Nichols after a routine car stop. One would think that one of these officers would have flashbacks to the trial of Derek Chauvin and his brain would just stop his violent streak for fear of meeting the same fate. In fact, none of them learned from that lesson. None of them was willing to abide by the law and arrest Mr. Nichols like they would arrest any other white man. With respect and dignity.

Then you have the case of an white Ohio police officer punching a black woman as he arrests her. Where does all that violence and anger come from? Is it specific to individually damaged police officers their departments do not bother to vet properly, or is the job too boring for their raging violent hormones?

One would imagine most of them join the police department believing the job entails one or two real live Rambo scenes a week, only to discover it’s just another administrative job where most of their time is spent filing forms and writing tiresome reports.

So, maybe they snap because they are emotionally immature to handle the boredom of the job.

How hard would it be to subject future police officers to an emotional test bvefore hiring?


Most of the police officers involved in murdering Tyre Nichols were hired between 2017 and 2020. This clearly shows that the Memphis police department needs deep reforms as its hiring practices should be a cause for concern for any law abiding taxpayer in the State of Tennessee who, because of these police officers, will be paying a large settlement to the Nichols’s family.

That does not seem to matter to the Memphis police department. It seems like the department could care less about who they hire to police their streets. Violent and psychotic men are welcomed to apply.

How hard would it be to subject future police officers to an emotional test before hiring? One that would ferret out the unstable from the healthy? Not really that hard. But, it seems that Memphis is happy to hire vicious police officers with a happy trigger finger. How else one can explain their hiring practices.

Killing black men disrupts the life of a black family, which includes children growing without a role model and fatherly guidance.


Any future settlement the lawyer of Tyre Nichols must force the city of Memphis to sign should include reforming its police department. They can structure the legally binding settlement agreement to hold the Memphis police department fiscally responsible for any future murders of black men.

Only then we might see the needle move to put an end to this harrowing episode of our history. Only then would black families be left alone to live in peace and harmony instead of experiencing the same slave mentality that saw them uprooted from their lands.

Killing black men disrupts the life of a black family, which includes children growing without a role model and fatherly guidance. That’s why some of the racist police officers in America join the police force. In Tyre Nichols’ case, though, it involved five black police officers.

This goes to show that their vetting process does not include sorting the demented from the sane, or the mentally damaged from the rational.

Why Indicting Brutal Police Officers Is Not Working?

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