Why Did Virginia Employ a Violent Police Officer?

Why Did Virginia Employ a Violent Police Officer
Why Did Virginia Employ a Violent Police Officer

The story coming out of Virginia about the deranged nature of some police officers begs the question: Why did Virginia employ a violent police officer on its force? We are talking about Austin Lee Edwards, a former trooper with the Virginia State Police, who killed a family and burned their home after he kidnapped a teen he catfished online. Is that a component of police training that police fraternities employ to strike fear into the hearts of the public? Or is this the nature of angry police officers with the uncontrollable urge to commit violence against anyone?

It is a subject that requires further study to find out how can States and small communities purge their police departments from undisciplined and barbarous police officers who are the source of irreparable damage to our society.

We know, for example, that some fraternities are exploiting their powers to unleash police officers on innocent black men. Their racism and bigotry knows no bound. However, by turning a blind eye to “shoot first, ask questions later”, the fraternities are running the risk of killing their own. In the instance of Austin Lee Edwards, he killed the white Winek family.

Someone has to hold the police fraternities accountable for protecting criminal police officers.


When the media contacted the Virginia State Police on October 28 asking why Edwards resigned his position in Virginia, the response says everything about the defunct system police fraternities have built. The sound bite and

The spokesperson declined to provide additional details, citing a state law that bars authorities from releasing anything beyond a resignation date.NBC News by Chantal Da Silva and Tim Stelloh - November 28, 2022

A State law the police fraternities passed to keep bad cops on the force killing people. Let’s see if the next of kin of the Winek family that Edwards killed will bring a lawsuit against the police fraternity responsible for masking Edwards’ violence. Why is that important? Because California, where the murders took place, was about to hire Edwards as a police officer. We kid you not!

Someone has to hold the police fraternities accountable for protecting criminal police officers. They have been doing it for a very long time without remorse or answerability.

In fact, a dumb and violent police officer willing to shoot innocent black men is exactly what some of the police fraternities recommend for its hiring practice. That’s how racist they are. Even better if they hire veterans that also suffer from PTSD. It will make for an irresistible courtroom drama, if the State prosecutes, to save the police officer from ever facing justice.

A violent police officer willing to kill innocent black men is as sick as one willing to kill anyone.


There is one conclusive and irrefutable fact to police reforming in the United States. It trully cannot happen until we break the fraternities apart. Those who seem intentionally protecting violent police members from ever facing justice and who keep committing crime after crime.

The media must dig deeper into who Edwards was, why he resigned from Virginia, what vetting process California adopted to hire him again. It’s the least we can do to pay homage to the Winek family.

If along that investigation, one finds that Edward’s police fraternity ignored all the signs of his violence, then bring that fraternity to justice. Otherwise, its leadership will continue on its path of destructive influence.

A violent police officer willing to kill innocent black men is as sick as one willing to kill anyone. The demarcation line can be blurry. The Winek family gave its life for its blurriness.

No community in America, be it black or white, is safe when violent police officers are provided with the power and the tools to kill at will. The California killing brought this reality front and center. What will state governments do about it? We hope they treat the Edward’s murders seriously. How? By finding the root causes of its failures in letting police fraternities control the process of policing in America.

Why Did Virginia Employ a Violent Police Officer?

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