Why Is Gantz Meeting with Harris?

Why Is Gantz Meeting with Harris?
Why Is Gantz Meeting with Harris?

One of the Zionist war criminals in Israel, Benny Gantz, is arriving in Washington to meet with VP Kamala Harris. Why is Gantz meeting with Harris? We don’t know the real reasons why, but we believe it is a two-sided mission to serve Biden’s interests, and those of the Zionists in Israel.

One reason may have to do with Joe Biden turning the screws on Benjamin Netanyahu by inviting Gantz to Washington to meet high officials as a prelude to Washington’s support for his future premiership. This seems to be a plausible reason. Why? Because Netanyahu objected vehemently to Gantz traveling to Washington. Another Jewish online newspaper said that Netanyahu was “livid” when he learned about Gantz trip to Washington.

This seems to be the most tenable of reasons, and the most logical.

In reality, the Zionists are afraid Joe Biden may just drop dead before November 5, or between 2024 and 2028 if elected.


As we all know, VP Kamala Harris is a softy. Her history in the Senate backed many social programs, and she often voted for the underdog. In fact, NBC News called her pragmatic progressive, which to the Zionists, is as toxic a political ideology as they come even if the word “pragmatic” stood out.

While Biden may be propping up Gantz to replace Netanyahu in the future, Gantz will be testing Harris commitment to the Zionist cause. He will be probing her to find any hint of enmity. Not even plain support suffices. Gantz will be looking for Harris to bow to Zionism in words and deeds, just like Biden has; otherwise, the Zionists in America will roll over her faster than a blink of an eye.

This meeting is going to test her loyalty to Zionism, and the fact that the first gentleman is Jewish, helps her case. But not if she does not commit to the Zionist ideology during this meeting. In reality, the Zionists are afraid Joe Biden may just drop dead before November 5, or between 2024 and 2028 if elected. They want to make sure Harris is 100% on-board with terrorizing the Palestinians

Why is Gantz meeting with Harris? For Biden to send a message to Netanyahu, and for Gantz to test Harris loyalty to Zionism.

Meanwhile, to the rest of us, it seems America comes after Israel.

Why Is Gantz Meeting with Harris?

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