Biden is Using TikTok to Blackmail Netanyahu

Biden is Using TikTok to Blackmail Netanyahu
Biden is Using TikTok to Blackmail Netanyahu

Joe Biden, now suddenly aware of the trap Netanyahu has set up for him, is finally responding to protect his 2024 re-election campaign. Besides ratcheting up the rhetoric and inviting Benny Gantz to Washington, Biden asked Schumer to issue an ultimatum in the form of a speech seeking Netanyahu’s resignation. Biden’s goal is to use the TikTok legislation the GOP majority House passed for a more sinister purpose. We believe, instead of halting US weapons to Israel, Biden is using TikTok to blackmail Netanyahu into a forced resignation.

Schumer’s message is: Resign, or TikTok never sees the light of day on the Senate floor. TikTok has been a sore in the sides of AIPAC because the majority of its Middle East videos have been hostile to Israeli terror.

Instead of blocking aid to Israel, in the form of weapons and money, Biden chose TikTok as a point of pressure. Whether the Zionists at AIPAC bite or not remains to be seen. We believe Biden would eventually capitulate to AIPAC lobbying and threats.

If he [Netanyahu] could corral 2.3 million Gazans into gas chambers, he would not hesitate a minute.


How did Netanyahu respond to the blackmail? By killing more Palestinians waiting for aid, and by announcing his intent to invade Rafah. It’s his direct message to Biden and Schumer.

At this point, we do not believe Netanyahu would ever resign. He will continue in his destructive ways, and he will keep fighting and challenging Biden. The next major step would be for Biden to initiate a new U.N. Resolution in support of an “immediate” ceasefire.

If that does not work, Biden would have no choice but to halt all weapon deliveries to Israel, quietly and secretly, to put an end to Netanyahu’s terror. Otherwise, Biden would definitely look like a doormat of Israel. Globally, and not just in the Middle East circles.

Just as Israel first denied bombing al-Shifa hospital then followed by bombing every hospital in Gaza, Israel denied as well killing over 100 Palestinians around food drop zones. Today, Israel keep killing those waiting for aid. The latest 20 victims came minutes after Senator Chuck Schumer derided Benjamin Netanyahu and asked for his resignation.

The terror of Israel knows no bounds.

Be it mass murdering, hungry fathers collecting food to feed their starving families, or bombing women and children in U.N. shelters. Be it starving 2.3 million Palestinians, or killing them for seeking aid. As well, be it, targeting and killing medics helping the injured, or journalists archiving Israel’s war crimes. You name the terror, Netanyahu does it.

If he could corral 2.3 million Gazans into gas chambers, he would not hesitate a minute.

Biden is Using TikTok to Blackmail Netanyahu

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