God Does Not Exist If the Zionists Are God’s Chosen People

God Does Not Exist If the Zionists Are God's Chosen People
God Does Not Exist If the Zionists Are God’s Chosen People

Zionists, in general, believe they have been chosen by God to be his favorite children, boasting they are superior to other human beings. This is part arrogance, and part imbecility, in line with Hitlerian Arianism. As the world watches the genocide in Gaza unfold, if God selected the Zionists to be his preferred race and people, then we can assure you that God does not exist. There is no God, be it Christian, Judaic, Muslim, or any other religion, would sit back and watch the Zionists commit the atrocities against his own children, or other God’s children, like the people of Israel have done. Such God does not exist, we assure you.

We all might as well just stop believing in a higher power. God’s existence, under the Zionist beliefs, is pure evil.

The chosen people diatribe plays well into the minds of the gullible and the simple. The intention, one might think, is to submit the people to Zionism in the face of their often illegal behavior, and, as we see today, their mass murdering of children. Just as Hitler attempted to submit his enemies to his claim that his Arian race is superior to all other human beings.

Zionists are pure evil terrorists, and Gaza represents their canvas and masterpiece.


Nothing is more evil than intentionally and deliberately killing thousands of children. Do you think God chose this heinous Zionist below to be a better child than his other children?

If he is, then God does not exist, fellow readers. How could anyone wish for the mass murder of children, any children, be the one God selects to be his people? That’s satanism in disguise as a religious belief. It’s diabolism parading as Godliness.

So, let’s cut the crap about Zionists telling us they are better than the rest of us. It’s Hasbara on steroids. It’s evil manipulation to force the submission of all people, just as they are trying to submit the Palestinians through extreme violence.

Look no further than the idiots in the circles of the American Evangelical Christians. They have submitted to Israel like the dimwits that they are.

Interestingly enough, the so-called cultured world believes in equality, not superiority. The very same world that is backing Israeli genocide on Gaza today. Go figure, the oxymoron.

Zionists are pure evil terrorists, and Gaza represents their canvas and masterpiece. If Netanyahu thinks he is God’s chosen child, then there is no God, folks. It cannot exist if these terrorists are his people.

God Does Not Exist If the Zionists Are God’s Chosen People

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