Israel Has Entered the Quagmire Phase

Israel Has Entered the Quagmire Phase
Israel Has Entered the Quagmire Phase

It is not hard to look upon the war unfolding between Israel and its enemies, and not realize that Israel has entered the quagmire phase of its warmongering and ethnic cleansing goals. The audacity by which Hezbollah, the Houthis, as well as Iran, can attack Israel’s air defenses with their drones, rockets, and missiles are demonstrating amply how vulnerable is Israel when it goes rogue, as it did in Gaza. There is no unfurling of the events since October 7 that could put that genie back in the bottle because the axis of resistance has found parity and equity in responding to the terror of the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

It matters little how many U.S. aircraft carriers, or submarines, or advanced fighter jets crowd the skies over Israel and the neighboring countries. It has become a fact that to really protect Israel, one of two things must happen.

Either Israel recalibrates its Gaza policy for a permanent ceasefire to take place, or the ongoing tit-for-tat will continue to the detriment of the long-term survival of Israel. The Lebanese and the Yemeni economies are in tatters already, and only the Israeli economy would end up in the same place if this war of attrition continues.

Between tourism dying, and a brain drain by those who hold Israel together, the country’s future survival prospects look dim at best.

Why do you think the U.S. has not attacked Iran so far as it did Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan?


Israel has everything to lose, and the axis of resistance has everything to win with every strike that sends more settlers to abandon their dreams. The ones it told the world is home to the fifth-happiest people on the planet. As if lying, influence-peddling, and buying spin is not a Zionist invention.

Going forward, it’s all about pure losses for Israel, and all gains for the axis. But don’t wait for anyone in the Biden Administration to face that truth, or in the genocidal and messianic government of Netanyahu to realize it is losing on every front. Their Zionism fervor does not permit either to accept this new quagmire phase Israel has entered. As far as everyone is concerned, it’s all hunky-dory, and Israel is winning this war.

Realistically-speaking, not the U.S. nor Israel can do much to harm the axis of resistance without harming themselves as well. To what degree is anyone’s guess, since Iran keeps tight lips on its missile’s arsenal of death; however, the U.S. knows well that if it attacks Iran, it also has to defend oil shipments going through the Hormuz against Iranian hypersonic missiles to which the U.S. has no defense against.

Why do you think the U.S. has not attacked Iran so far as it did Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan?

Israel is not sitting pretty today. Even if it halts its genocide against Gaza. Now that the axis of resistance has considerable military offensive capabilities it did not have a few years ago, and given how Israel destroyed Gaza and murdered its women, children, healthcare workers, teachers, and journalists, the axis will continue to strike fear into Israel in the coming years.

Nothing like a slow war of attrition to break the robustness of any economy.

Israel Has Entered the Quagmire Phase

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