Israel Intends to Shred Palestinians to Pieces

Israel Intends to Shred Palestinians to Pieces
Israel Intends to Shred Palestinians to Pieces

For the satanic Israel and its violent government, it is not enough to kill the women and children of Gaza, Israel intends to shred Palestinians to pieces. Killing them is simply not enough for that blood-sucking vampire Benjamin Netanyahu, along with his extremely violent government.

The latest evidence was Israel’s bombing of the UNRWA school at the Nuseirat camp in Gaza, in which over 40 displaced civilians were torn up to pieces. Israel, as usual, claimed that it killed some 20 to 30 Hamas fighters hiding in the school without providing one piece of evidence to back their claim.

This is what Zionism that operates above the law looks like. Barbaric, unapologetic, and unaccountable to no laws, or standards of humanity. Just like the animals that roamed the planet thousands of years ago.

Over 36,000 Palestinians have died, and over 80,000 have been injured. Thousands remain buried under the rubble and unaccounted for. And what is Joe Biden doing about it? Absolutely nothing. He keeps sending weapons to an extremely violent Israeli government as if Israel runs the White House.

Meantime, a new statistic just came out showing that Gaza is now home to the largest number of children amputees in the world. Something that we believe Joe Biden is proud of accomplishing under his presidency. We wonder what Genocide Joe has in store for the Palestinians if he wins another term.

In Gaza, the Zionist Jews, the world over, have lost their virginity and their sense of security.


In the meantime, both political parties, the Democrats, and the Republicans, have signed a letter inviting Benjamin Netanyahu, the mass murderer behind the genocide in Gaza, to address a joint session of Congress. The United States might as well have invited Adolf Hitler to speak in Congress.

Shame on our politicians. Without a doubt, history will always remember what the United States has done to the Palestinian people. If not tomorrow, then a hundred years from now. And what else the world community would remember? Most definitely, the treachery of the American Zionists in spilling the blood of others while trying to look like the victims in the Middle East.

Everyone around the world today recognizes the Zionists as demons, and not at all as humans or victims of a Holocaust. They are animals pilfering, killing, and annihilating a whole population while the world watches silently.

The world will never see the Jews in the same manner, or with the same compassion, that the Holocaust has afforded them for over 75 years. In Gaza, the Zionist Jews, the world over, have lost their virginity and their sense of security. They have become the violent predators the international community now fully understands and will not tolerate for long, no matter how powerful the United States is. The Zionist day of reckoning is around the corner.

Maybe the Nazis gassed the Jews, but the Zionist Jews are shredding Palestinian children to pieces. You tell us, which is more bloodthirsty.

Israel definitely represents the ultimate European settler colony, which is violent to its core, and unashamedly barbaric. For those who support this kind of Zionism, we say enjoy it while it lasts because its shelf life is that of a mosquito.

The world is now fully awake.

Israel Intends to Shred Palestinians to Pieces

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