Israeli False Flag Operation That Killed Only Arabs

Israeli False Flag Operation That Killed Only Arabs
Israeli False Flag Operation That Killed Only Arabs

Just imagine the gall these Zionists have. They activate an Israeli false flag operation that killed only Arabs in Syrian occupied territory of the Golan Heights, to start a new and justifiable war with Hezbollah that would drag the whole region into war. Majdal Shams is a Syrian Druze village with zero Jews living there. Zero. To include the involvement of U.S. troops and assets. Why do you think Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with Joe Biden in Washington took almost 3 hours? To explain how Israel is going to start a new fresh war with Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, just like the 40 beheaded Israeli babies lie, Israel is lying through its teeth once more. And once more, even though the U.S. media knows all too well about incessant Israeli lies, is buying the story, just as Israel is telling it, hook, line, and sinker.

With this operation, in a way, Netanyahu is testing both candidates Trump and Harris. To see who will bark more when he orders them to bark, and who will stand by Israel in the best way possible. Obedient and submissive to Israeli demands in the shortest way possible.

This is Biden’s parting gift to the Arab and Muslim world. More death and destruction than anyone can imagine. Women are having babies in the street in Gaza, and Israel wants to duplicate their terror in Lebanon.

Accusing Hezbollah of killing Syrians to start a war in their defense is exactly like Israel accusing Hezbollah of killing Palestinians to start a war in the defense of the Palestinians.


It has long been obvious to the world that Israel is an aggressive, colonialist entity whose aim is to expand and occupy more Arab lands. It cannot apply that doctrine without lying, cheating, and creating false flag operations that would achieve its goals.

Accusing Hezbollah of killing Syrians to start a war in their defense is exactly like Israel accusing Hezbollah of killing Palestinians to start a war in the defense of the Palestinians. How is that possible? Do you get the deception here? 90% of Americans do not. Israel is hoping their ignorance and stupidity will just give it another excuse to drag the U.S. into its wars. Just as Israeli Zionists instigated the U.S. to invade Iraq in 2003.

Folks, here we go again. The U.S. is supplying an endless conveyor belt of weapons to Israel in order to weaken several countries in the Middle East. Through normalizations and wars. Why? Because the U.S. fears China’s entry into the region, which we saw on full display when it invited all the Palestinian factions to united under the “Beijing Declaration”. Both the U.S. and Israel want to make sure they leave China with dysfunctional and destroyed Arab countries to influence.

Without Israel losing a major battle, unfortunately, the U.S. and Israel are going to destroy the region.


Israel is simultaneously attacking Gaza, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon are paying a dear price as pawns in a larger game of chess. How to counter that American mistake is for China and Russia to commit the resources to help these countries defend themselves against Israel.

Without Israel losing a major battle, unfortunately, the U.S. and Israel are going to destroy the region. Country by country and people by people. This is why the Gulf countries are siding with Israel.

Otherwise, they would be next on the list of family-ruled nations to destabilize and then render dysfunctional.

The evil is often too much to bear.

Israeli False Flag Operation That Killed Only Arabs

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