It is About Israel Murdering Civilians. Not Just Hamas

It is About Israel Murdering Civilians. Not Just Hamas
It is About Israel Murdering Civilians. Not Just Hamas

When Hamas and the IOF attack each other, that’s war. Although under international law, Hamas has every right to free its people from an unjust occupation and a relentless and unforgiven apartheid system that is far worse than what South Africa endured. And Israel, unlike what it always claims, has no right to defend itself when it is an occupying power. It can, but international laws refute this claim. As if this small issue matters to the Israelis. In the Genocide of Gaza that Israel perpetrating, Israel is deliberately targeting women and children, and not just Hamas. In reality, it is about Israel murdering civilians as much as annihilating any resistance to its occupation, to include innocent children.

This should not be acceptable to any country, or any leader around the world. Of course, Joe Biden thinks Arabs and Muslims are sub-human, which is why he continues, unbated, to send deadly weapons to Netanyahu despite the global outrage over the latter’s war conduct, and the opposition at home to Biden’s barbarous policy.

Under such scenario, we believe the Jews should colonize Tasmania and call it Israel.


Killing civilians deliberately is a form of ethnic cleansing. Its purpose is to erase all traces of a whole civilization that has endured, so far, for over 75 years of Israeli terrorism. No law on this planet supports, or fosters any retaliatory defense doctrine, which Israel claims with its, “Israel has the right to defend itself”. Such does not exist in the lexicon of logic for an occupying power, and certainly not in any international human rights laws.

In short, Israel does not have a leg to stand on when it comes to the fate of the Palestinian people. The country’s murderous leadership is only applying the “might is right” moniker, in this instance. All laws have been disposed of back in 1948.

Having said that, let us consider the global response to Israeli terror against the civilians of Gaza to measure how successful its apartheid footprint is going to last for the next few years. Beside the U.S. and most of the EU mainstream media that the Zionists fully control, the rest of the world has seen Israeli terror against civilians stream on their smartphones and TV’s almost live.

Israel cannot escape, no matter how much control it exerts over the U.S. and Europe, the unfettered scrutiny of billions of people. These billions now have suddenly discovered this monster of a nation colonizing the Palestinians through terror and sheer force, and their position is clear: Israel should not exist on Palestinian lands.

Under such scenario, we believe the Jews should colonize Tasmania and call it Israel.

It is not just about Hamas. The problem is Palestinian resistance in all its forms, and the solution, according to the likes of the war criminal Netanyahu, is ethnic cleansing.


Gaza, in effect, has become the poster child of a long simmering global south trying to free itself from the exploitative global north. If it is not child labor in cobalt mines in the Congo that the Zionists control (Google “Getler Congo”), it’s stealing Palestinian lands in Palestine.

It cannot get any uglier than that for the Jewish global community, many of whom have nothing to do with Zionism.

No one is claiming that Hamas represents the future of Palestine. It is an entity that the Palestinians formed to liberate, and probably is not fit to rule because of its religious identity. But as a liberating force, it has proven to be much more effective than Fatah or the Palestinian Authority, both of whom have already submitted to Israeli occupation.

Hamas should not be the center of our attention because it will die just as it was born the moment the Palestinians can self-determine their future without Israel occupation, or interference. There will be lots of Palestinians who, when free from the Israeli shackles, would be looking for competent, nation-building forces to chart their future.

The problem is and always has been the inhumane occupation of Israel which now fears, more than ever, a Palestinian state, and it is trying to ethnically cleanse the people of Palestine to put an end to their resistance.

It is not just about Hamas. The problem is Palestinian resistance in all its forms, and the solution, according to the likes of the war criminal Netanyahu, is ethnic cleansing.

It is About Israel Murdering Civilians. Not Just Hamas.

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